thanks everyone for all the feedback
. I plan to do another visor once I can get the plastic.
But tonight I had a change of heart when it comes to helmets. I've always been on the fence between the security and Mk V [A]. The Mark V has always been my favorite since halo 3 but there was never a gud model of it so thats y i went with security. I will end up having some free time for the next few days when I won't be able to get electronics until the late afternoon so I will have time to make another helmet.
I found a decent model that is the smooth model of the Mk V and plan on completing one in the next few days. This will become my primary helmet and the security my secondary. One good thing with the Mk V is that I can get a golden motorcycle visor and It should be perfect for the suit.
Thanks again for everyone's support and I will be back with updates of the new helmet.
Wish me luck!!!