MC6 Resin Pistol

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Silverzippo93 said:
Is that a recast of link's?

Thats what we are trying to find out.

I just got off the phone with my friend who had the mold..

He said "I bought it off of someone in a private trade because I figured you liked Halo. No, im not buying you another one if thats what your gonna ask."

I asked him if he knew the name of the seller and he just said no.
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Silverzippo93 said:
Alright, easy. This one has some small bumps on the handle. Does your's, link?

Yep. Imperfections from it not setting %100 fully but can be sanded out.
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its Link's Pistol, he did the work and he deserves credit, no one else did anything, and pooring resin doesn't mean YOU made it, it means that you poored resin to construct a M6C Pistol that Link made
Iceman29 said:
its Link's Pistol, he did the work and he deserves credit, no one else did anything, and pooring resin doesn't mean YOU made it, it means that you poored resin to construct a M6C Pistol that Link made

So how in the hell did I end up with it if my friend bought it on ebay?

And it doesn't explain how I got the Mold that Link says he DOES NOT SELL HIS MOLDS.
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Don't be mad at Grunt. He didn't do anything.

Iron: Someone could have bought a pistol from link, and made their own mold from it.
Maverick said:
I dont think it matters- someone could just make an inverse mold from Link's.

Its not like if I knew if it was based off of Link's mold or not...

Jesus this is like having a bought car that someone used to rob a bank..
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Maverick said:
......which means- Theres a fellin on the loose! We gotta hunt him down! :ninja:

Hmm...Let me call back my friend and get something straight...
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Ironcobra3000 said:
maybe you could both compare the pistols? It could be a ripped mold, Link would know who he sold his pistols to.


My friend is coming over...Apparently he wasn't being fully truthful..

He made the mold from another M6C Resin model he got from Dragon*Con.

I'll report back soon..

EDIT Heres a picture of the box the original came in:

If thats the case he made a mold of one based off of another which was yanked from
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Well I think that if it turns out that it is a ripped copy of links I think that :

The molds should be returned or disposed of, or kept with a "only make them for yourself" kind of deal.

That being said, this is quite interesting and I think this is an honest mistake.

But I've been wrong before......oh wait, nope. :p
Silverzippo93 said:
What does the price tag say?


Well I think that if it turns out that it is a ripped copy of links I think that :

The molds should be returned or disposed of, or kept with a "only make them for yourself" kind of deal.

That being said, this is quite interesting and I think this is an honest mistake.

But I've been wrong before......oh wait, nope.

If it makes you guys feel better I can dispose of it terminator style..chuck it in a vat of burning iron..or I can just chuck it..
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