Mech/Exoskeleton Build (Full-Size )

Hey, a video about the base on the hips! Neat!

I have the pedals ready to install, but we got some snow today so I'm defrosting some parts before I finish rebuilding the torso up on them hips, hopefully enclose the delicate bits with black plastic.

Meanwhile if there was a competition for van tobogganing I'd probably win lol.
Whee! POWER!!!

Torso Rotation.gif

Unfortunately the linear actuator mounting bolt is pulling free from the wood decking, resulting in little motion. To fix this I put in a metal plate instead of a washer so homefully that will prevent pull-through. Further tests tomorrow!
Less snow pile up inside hooray!
Woking on a mech in the cold night isn't much different than Working on it any other time.
Except when you gotta climb on top to remove the neck:
Hanging out the hatch one handed while the wind blows you off as you dig through the accumulated snow trying to find the mount screws is challenging.
Just gotta hook up the cabling, install the wiring and anchor that left arm and it's just about ready to drive!
Remember that ugly bit of wood I removed from the top of the mech?


Neck is now attached to the head and there's lights ooooo. Camera is not connected properly so I gotta go over that with a fine tooth comb, but it is almost ready to install: the head and computer separate entirely, with socket connectors to connect all the wiring.


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Got my 3d printer working again: occasionally the wires to the temperature sensor short out requirng a complete disassembly of the printhead to fix it aka jiggle the wires. But I made some new pedals!


With 3 points of contact they'll hopefully be more stable.


Also started cabling things up.

Heh the head stabilizer looks like a pair of smol horns. Makes me nostalgic for some of my early concept art
Been thinking about dressing up Judd McStudd like something out of the Pandora exhibit at Disney
But using cardboard. That way the materials would be safe for public exhibition... or paid appearances: When I was selling keychains at the local spooky house at Halloween I got several inquiries as to whether I did birthday party appearances.
So I finally put those caster thingies on.

First one:

Got some more dust covering while working on the second one:

Just have to replace a bendy bolt and the pedals. Then it should be good for a full system test this weekend after I mount the door properly!

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