Mech/Exoskeleton Build (Full-Size )

Hand is almost done: need some switches to control the motors and the screw drive housing.


Used some old holey socks as dust covers XD

Fixed up the other arm (kinda) and put the hand on. Fancy


Need to adjust the hand mount: it's all jammed in between the frame and metal paneling giving Marduk a permanent thumbs up.
Bit of work with the hand:

Steering system works more or less as expected. Did a little fiddling to make the cockpit easier to get into: like making a floor!
Hopefully full test drive tomorrow will be installing:

-right waldo arm
-neck rotation power pack (removed when not in use)
-head camera mount
-head camera (removed when not in use)
-optical system core (removed when not in use)
-power cores (removed when not in use)

to do:
rear view camera (USB)

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