MKVII Build CQC Helmet

S Zero

New Member
Hey Everyone,

I started my first build with the goal of attending C2E2 this year in mid April with a completed suit, which gives me just under 3 months.

My inspiration is my own multiplayer spartan from infinite

Screenshot 2025-01-18 130302.png

I have already complete the arms, biceps, and shoulders with their base metallic paint


The chest has been assembled after cutting into many parts to fit on a Bambu P1S build plate



I opted for a finer layer line print at .12 which made these take a lot longer but should mean I have less to address in post processing with mostly just focusing on the seam lines.

Next on the print list
  • Shins
  • Feet
  • Belt
  • TPU flexible undersuit parts
I ended up outsourcing the print of the helmet since I really wanted it to be on continuous piece and it helps with my timeline on the build schedule.

Does anyone have a solution for attaching the front and back of the chest piece to create a semi flexible hinge to make it easier to remove?
I really like how your Spartan is going to look! I’ve seen other Mk7’s use magnets to keep the chest piece together yet also able to be taken off with ease.

Here’s a few thread on Mk7’s that I’ve been looking to as so build my own:

Bert: New year, New suit


Fallen: Mk VII - Phase 2 Complete

Looking forward to seeing how your suit goes, C2 is gonna be a great time!
Update on the build

Decided to just move forward with completing my CQB helmet, which i think turned out great


I will still be adding attachments I think, but need to focus on the other parts for now.

Helmet file is from Galactic Armory and visor was ordered from etsy which I attached to a 3mm acrylic sheet to give it stability.

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