MrJamin's MK VII

I've also picked up one of the fun plastic welders that TurboCharizard uses and have been playing around with this. I plan on using this to strengthen the joints on this new suit.
Office Instrument GIF by Verohallinto

We love the big stapler
Non-Update Update -

I've been working on a few other projects around the house and I still haven't made any progress on this. However, my biggest project will make all future projects easier!

My garage doubles as my workspace. However, over the years it has gotten a little cluttered. Additionally, it can get quite cold / hot depending on the time of year.

Garage 1.jpg
Garage 3.jpg

The first step was to fully empty the garage. To do this I have rented a 16' long POD and stashed as much as I could into it.

(View from one of my security cameras of my driveway)

The next step was to fully insulate the whole garage. (Previously only the common walls with the house was insulated) To do this I worked with a company to do injection foam insulation. I did this because our builder put drywall over the non-insulated walls.

After the insulation was complete I had someone come in to repair + finish the drywall.

The drywall was completed last Saturday morning and that left me with a few days to get everything fully painted. Thankfully I own a paint sprayer!

2.5 days of prep and painting and it was done!

This picture is from last night after I cleaned up from painting.

Today + tomorrow I have a company griding down the concrete and putting on an epoxy finish! Once that is complete we have to put everything back into the garage :-D My wife and I bought some more organizational racks + stuff to make sure things are much neater once it is done.

The final piece (and I am really excited for this one) will be working with an electrician to get an electric heater installed. This will mean I can bring the garage up to a nice temperature during the colder times of year!
Moving quickly on that. Looking nice!
That XL printer looks nice! And the color scheme too, some of the armor coating with green and orange look out of place to me but this looks really good
That XL printer looks nice! And the color scheme too, some of the armor coating with green and orange look out of place to me but this looks really good
I still haven't fully decided on the color scheme that I will use for this suit. I am still a bit away from even being ready to paint so I have time :lol:
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