My 1st Project

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So I thought I would add a " finished" photos for you guys! Thanks for the feedback and support! Hope you like!!!



It's All Over Now


It's All Over Now
So that's the end of my Noble 6. I did it. On time and I will be making more! Thanks to all the help/ideas/comments.

405th rules
Neo Magazine

Thought I would show you guys, I made it into the UKs biggest and best Anime/cosplay magazine!! It made me a very happy boy so I just wanted to share!

This is issue 105 and I recommend this mag, I've been reading since the start and hope to make it in again!



If your not from the uk and wish to see what we get up to pop on their website!!
Thanks guys,
I was just thinking how cool my thread is. When I started my 1st PEP and began posting I did not think how great it would be to have a complete record of my ups and downs. Now anyone starting a costume can see how, what starts as a peace of paper can end up in a paper!
May do, I'm defo at some point its just: I live on Jersey so I can't just jump in my warthog as its too exspencive, And I don't know if it can take a trip in a Banshee :(
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