My Emile-A239 build

Hey guys!

So I'm starting this thread so I can show the progress in my Emile build and start to regularly post on the 405th channel!

So I've started printing a full spartan suit. I've printed the helmet on a bambu P1 printer using standard PLA. The helmet was printed in 4 sections and the visor will be looked after when painting is ready.


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Love how smooth bambu makes that look :love:

Helpful tip: When you go to do supports, if its hard to pull them out at all or they are sticking to much, try lowering the infill in the support section to only 2-5%. It makes getting supports off armor soooo much easier!
The build is looking great so far! The P1P is an absolute workhorse I don't know where I would be without mine! Out of curiosity where did you get your visor and files from?
Hey guys!

So I'm starting this thread so I can show the progress in my Emile build and start to regularly post on the 405th channel!

So I've started printing a full spartan suit. I've printed the helmet on a bambu P1 printer using standard PLA. The helmet was printed in 4 sections and the visor will be looked after when painting is ready.
Welcome to the group. Your Emile helmet looks like it turned out great. How is the visibility through the visor?
Welcome to the group. Your Emile helmet looks like it turned out great. How is the visibility through the visor?
The visor is pretty clear, but it's not finished yet, I've still to chrome the inside of it but that's later on. I'm still printing the full suit atm making sure everything fits first
The build is looking great so far! The P1P is an absolute workhorse I don't know where I would be without mine! Out of curiosity where did you get your visor and files from?
I got the visor from Galatic Armory. Same as the helmet files actually. And the full suit I got it on thingiverse. I think the creator is a 405th member as well, if he sees this, you are the GOAT!
Love how smooth bambu makes that look :love:

Helpful tip: When you go to do supports, if its hard to pull them out at all or they are sticking to much, try lowering the infill in the support section to only 2-5%. It makes getting supports off armor soooo much easier!
I didn't know this!! Thank you, the supports have been a nightmare. Like the P1P is doing great but some of the supports(mainly standard supports are a pain) the tree supports when they actually want to work with the print come off pretty easy. I did change the filament to impact PLA from fiberology and taking them off the bed has been pretty smooth.. hopefully I haven't jinxed it
Nice, definitely a good plan before going into the finishing stage. Did you work out an undersuit?
I haven't done an undersuit before in fairness, but I did a small ab section on another cosplay that I'm gonna do for emile. I know its hard to see in this pic but I used a foam mid section I done on my wrecker cosplay from the Bad Batch and sowed leather onto it. It turned out pretty smooth and slick looking so I'm gonna do something similar for the midsection and the spin for emile.. hopefully


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Just fused the main parts of the body to see the size.

It's snug fitting but it's fine width wise. Currently looking at options to make it smaller but we'll see how we get on.

Arms are next for the printer. Anyone have any recommendations on how to make the biceps somewhat comfortable?


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