My first armour build- MKVI in foam (Will be photo heavy in time!)

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Looks great mate!
Might have to I to lidl an get myself one of those motorcycle suits to base my undersuit on!
As for your question about the inner thigh, I wouldn't recommend craft foam. It's far too weak, you need to get yourself some camping mat foam.
It's rugged enough and flexible at the same time so ideal for undersuit parts.
I highly recommend getting some, I used it on my arm seals and they're holding out fine :)
Ok, so here come the updates to bring this thread up to date...

26th April 2013:

"A quick update on a couple of bits I've done in the last few weeks


Got the handplates done, and temporarily mounted one to the right glove for a test-fit and an excuse to walk around re-creating the first-person view (I was using my plasma pistol to shoot my girlfriend, but she wasn't impressed.


The purple bits are detailing cut out of craft foam.

Also completed the thighs, but I neglected to take any pictures, so I'll upload those later this evening when I get home and actually pose in 'em!

Thanks again for the comments and feedback chaps, it's a real kick up the behind and helps keep me on track.

EDIT: And here are the promised pictures of the thigh plates, including the inner scale armour bits, of which I'm quite proud.



There was a front-on shot showing the pair of them on me, but it was a rather gratuitous crotch shot, which to be honest, no-one needs to see! Also, on a slightly different note, I discovered this evening that not only can I sit down in these bad boys, but I can also climb up and down a ladder (our workshop is in our loft)! This is miraculous to me, since in my TK armour I can barely manage stairs..."
"Another update! All the construction is done, and Plasti Dip is being applied, which is terribly exciting! All the excitement was so much in fact, that I somehow managed to not scale the greaves, and made one that was the correct size for the Master Chief... and on my chicken legs looked bloody ridiculous. But after re-sizing them they look a lot better, expecially with the boots and shins on to help.

Quick shot of the boots


The boots are held in place with a couple of dollops of Shoe Goo, which was recommended by someone in their build thread (can't remember who, but thanks if it was you!), and I've now filled the toe section with expanding foam which has made them solid, just right for kicking some blue Spartans into place ;-)

I've test fitted everything (but not all at once yet), fitted all the padding and strapping, and am now powering through the painting. This time next month I should have a completed suit!

Also, just to torment you all, my housemate and I won an eBay auction the other week... for four of the Jasman Toys plasma pistols and sensor packs, all in full working order, for a mere £68! So come MCM Expo in may we'll both be dual-wielding noisy plasma pistols, and probably chasing one another up and down the main concourse!"
"Starting to finally get things finished. Last night I fitted the fan to my helmet, which means that bar the blackwashing, my helmet is finished! Didn't get a picture of it because the shiny visor really messes up my phones camera, so I'll borrow my GF's camera to get a decent shot of it. I also attached the "buckle" to the second boot last night, but didn't get a picture because I was hignon paint fumes.. But I did snap the two other parts that are completed!

The greaves...

... and the gloves!

I have to admit I got a little carried away with the battle damage (I'm planning my Mandalorian Merc armour alongside this build, and it has a lot of battle damage!), and I'm not keen on the big slash across the shin, but for now I'll keep it. Who knows, it may grow on me!

Hopefully tonight I'll be finished spraying the torso and biceps, and if my new plasti dip arrives, I'll get the belt/codpiece started too."
"So, thanks to the Bank Holiday weekend, I have finally finished all the painting and weathering on the armour! I fact, apart from cutting two pieces of flexible vent piping to cover my ankles, it's ready to be worn, which is very exciting. I hope to have some pictures of the completed suit this week, but at the moment I'm using my Stormtrooper neck seal for this, and that along with my balaclava are locked away at a local venue after an appearance I did there at the weekend.

I know I already posted this to the Facebook group, but it's currently the only shot I have of the finished pieces, so here's the finished chest piece - minus the LED's that you can see hanging out of the bottom, which are now fitted, with little CD case lenses.


I've got decals supposedly on their way to me (not sure how they'll turn out, since I ordered them from VistaPrint), and a resin Magnum replica which seems to be delayed in the postal system which will be the final touches to this armour for now. I'm currently frantically assembling the main parts of a UNSC Marines armour for my girlfriend to wear!

Should hopefully have some full suit pictures this evening!"
"Over the last week I've added some details to the chest armour, stuff that I'd been planning since I started the build, all those months ago!

First up in the emblem, which is the one used by my Halo 3 multiplayer character. I used the image files made by SK Crisis ages ago (and available for download from various places now), and made up my appropriate logo. I then re-sized it appropriately and uploaded it to VistaPrint. Just shy of £10 for four whit rectangular stickers. I got up close and personal with a scalpel to cut away the blank white area around the actual logo, stuck it onto the bicep pad - muttering a silent thanks to the Cosplaying Gods that the logo didn't extend into the recessed areas! - and weather it with a scalpel and a black drybrushing:


Then my Spartan's service tag (the font used is Adventure Subtitles, which is a pretty close match for the fonts used by the UNSC in the games):


And, so that there can be no confusion as to V-84's allegiance, the UNSC crest:


Both the service tag and the crest were templates printed out and "dabbed" on by hand to give them a worn, faded look to match the rest of the armour.

I've also added two sections of flexible piping - the sort that is used to vent the heat from tumble-dryers and AC units through windows and vents - to the top of the boots, to fill the gap between the top of the foot armour and the bottom of the greaves. They've had a couple of coats of Plasti Dip spraypaint (the ducting was grey to start with), but they're not much to look at on their own, so I didn't bother taking any pictures of them!

And this week I will get some shots of me actually wearing everything!"
"It's finished! For now, at least...

Ignore the gap in the armour under my right arm - I forgot to do up the clip there!





And a shot of my housemate Spartan S-24 with my own V-84


Unseen in these pics are the helmet LED's (one either side, massively bright, enough to navigate by at night!), and the nipple lights on the chest (red to match the armour). Hoping to get a few shots showing these indoors at Expo on Saturday.

Still to come are the lights on the rest of the armour, some custom H3 matchmaking shoulders, and an assault rifle, but they may take some time...

Thanks for keeping with me this far, and if you're at Expo next week, I look forward to meeting you!"
And so finally up to date! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you guys and gals of the 405th (and the folks at Halo Cosplay UK), because without your threads, tips, and inspiring work, I wouldn't even have started this project, let alone finished it! But as we all know, a project like this is never really finished, so....

Took a few weeks out from working on costumes post MCM Expo to allow myself to recover a little, and attack the problems highlighted with renewed vigour! The issues raised after a day of wearing are:

• Strapping! Three parts of strapping that were held in place with either Shoe-Goo or hot glue came unstuck – one of them within minutes of putting the first part on! :mad: Need to find a new way of attaching the strapping that is far more hardy than glue, since spending the whole day in fear that the glue will fail is not fun.

• Communication: The microphone and speaker I picked up worked pretty well (after I replaced the microphone). May need a little more shielding as there was a bit of feedback at times, but when we were away from our handlers, without our mobile phones, we were lost!

• The left greave had a tendency to twist inwards, making it look as if I had a deformed shin!

• Chest lights: Due to my shoddy wiring (all held together with little bits of electrical tape!) and the… humid conditions under the ~Blam!~ plate, the “nipple lights” were less than reliable, and by the time we took to the stage for the Masquerade, they’d given up completely.

After looking at photos of us from the con, we both realised that whilst the pistols are very cool with their sound effects and flashy lights, we needed something bigger! Whilst S-24 (Darren to the civvies) is hankering for a machine gun turret (especially after one of our guys turned up to expo with one that bloody spins!), we don’t really have the time to build one before our next event – plus it’s really awkward carrying one of them around all day!

So, solutions!

My first thought for attaching the strapping was rivets. Ordered myself a little hand riveter from eBay, and after getting some longer rivets, I did a test. It failed. The foam was too thick and too soft, so the rivet just kind of curved rather than properly riveting. Unperturbed I thought up a new method – nuts and bolts! Sounds a little extreme I know, but I had some bolts to hand and although they’re massively too long, they’re thin enough with 7mm head than won’t look out of place on the armour once painted up. And with a washer on the inside holding the strapping in place, there’ll be no worries about it coming apart! I’ll get some pictures up once the first one is complete.

Next is communication. The organisation for the Masquerade show at Expo was…. less than inspiring. I won’t go on at length, but we basically spent two hours separated from our handlers (our long-suffering girlfriends), not realising it would be two hours! Neither myself nor S-24 had our phones with us since we have no pockets and can’t use them with the gloves and helmets on anyway, so we couldn’t contact them to let them know what was happening. The solution? Well, none as yet. A strong contender is motorcycle radios, since they’re designed to be worn under a lid, and wouldn’t look out of place on Aimee’s marine costume either. Anyone that has any experience with these things, let me know what you think.

The problem of the greave escaping was caused by my own excitement to get into the armour and out in public for the first time – I forgot to add all the padding, and didn’t have the greave itself positioned quite right on my leg, meaning it kept slipping around. And since I can’t see my legs or feet with the lid on, I was mostly unaware of the problem. I’ll make sure to put all the padding in next time.

And lastly the chest lights. A fairly simple fix – I’ll be buying some solder next time I get paid and spending an evening doing the job properly!

We have also started on some weapons, carved from loft insulation foam, inspired by Mr Andrew Cook AKA Da Frontline Trooper, but they’re for another thread…
I thought quite a bit about communication with my noble team build. My idea is to attach a 2-way radio into the chest piece of each of use and have an earpiece wired up to into the helmet. So to talk to each other all we would do is hold down the talk button on the radio, talk into the the earpiece and each of us could hear it in our helmets. The only problems is that
1) a good radio cost money, and it's already costing me a lot just to build 6 spartan suits
2) the radio would be heavy in the chest piece
3) the bound to be some sort of technical difficulty and all that work to be for nothing.

So at this point I've decided good old fashion talking to each other in person will do.

Just some thing to take into consideration.
I like that idea - but would the radios be concealed? Having a two-way radio stuck to the outside of your futuristic armour might look a little silly. If it were concealed somewhere though, it would be a great idea.
I like that idea - but would the radios be concealed? Having a two-way radio stuck to the outside of your futuristic armour might look a little silly. If it were concealed somewhere though, it would be a great idea.

Yea, they'd be on the inside of the chest piece, as I said. Or it was small enough, maybe I could make that the tacpad on Carter and juns forearms. I don't know... I'll post more about it in my own build. This thread is for yours ;)
Thanks for the comments guys!

I do want to add some undersuit details. Thinking about making up some leather/pleather ab sections to attach to the current suit, since that's the largest exposed section. I also want to make a neckseal so I can stop using my TK one! I guess I'd best learn to use a sewing machine...
Sorry for the double post folks, but I’ve got a picture of the new strapping mounting system. The shot shows the inside of the belt/codpiece, and the upper strapping goes up and over my shoulder to hold the belt up, and the lower strapping connects to the thigh armour. No worries about these coming unstuck because they’ve gotten warm!

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