Agree the bandsaw is faster, but in my experiance it is easier to not have a straight line and mess up cuts. Especially when it is curves and angles. A knife will be much more clean. I love the bandsaw to cut sheets that have been glued ontop of each other so it is incredibly thick, yet easy to get a good pass. Downside with the bandsaw is your edges get fuzzy and have a billion little jutting teeth and lines. Try sanding the edges a little before gluing and hopefully that will clean it upThanks everyone for the complements. Yes I did use the band saw when I cut these pieces. On the shoulder and bicep pieces I cut with the blade knife. I liked the way the pieces came out when I used the saw better. It also was faster cutting time. It was tricky cutting the 45 degree angles on some of the pieces. Next up are the shin and hip pieces. Getting excited been looking at what cons are in this area just might go just to get an idea what happens at them.