Hahaha I DID THE SAME THING just when I finished putting it together and got some of the glue in my hair Nice work man, I wanted to make costumes in the 7th grade too but I was afraid of my inaccurat3 handskills.
Hahaha I DID THE SAME THING just when I finished putting it together and got some of the glue in my hair Nice work man, I wanted to make costumes in the 7th grade too but I was afraid of my inaccurat3 handskills.
Hahaha, I made the mask almost by myself, but mom made me the suit. When I was younger, I loved costumes (as much as I do now), but whenever I put them on I was scared to go out in them. I hope it won't happen again with the ODST I make it .
So I just finished the noble 6 helmet and chest fully before painting.
Im really really proud of how it came out but I don't have so much time anymore on my hand so the building proces is going aloqer than before. With the 2 most complex pieces it's gonba be very easy to finish up the rest. I also found a cheaper way to seal the foam for 2 euro a can instead of 10 (like plastidip). Theoreticly it will reduce my cost of sealing from 50 euros (4 cans plastidip + shipping) to 10 euros. I will post the next updates as I build along. I will also update the results of sealing the foam with spray glue (alreqdy tested on a flat piece of foam- results were GREAT). Let me know what you think guys.