this is my first helmet. be gentle. still trying to figure out the best way to do some of this. helmet. almost done and painted and i put in the visor but didn't like how i did it.. tried epoxy on my sons helmet and didn't like that. so i tried the hot glue suggestion and didn't like that either. is there another (better) way?
Here is where i am at on the helmet.. first is pre-paint then paint and lights. be gentle first attempt. was thinking of white tiger stripes on the paint. any ideas? Halo Build/helmet.jpg Halo Build/DSCN1510.jpg Halo Build/DSCN1511.jpg
Here is where i am at on the helmet.. first is pre-paint then paint and lights. be gentle first attempt. was thinking of white tiger stripes on the paint. any ideas? Halo Build/helmet.jpg Halo Build/DSCN1510.jpg Halo Build/DSCN1511.jpg