My Halo 4 Solider buid

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Just a little tip for future paint work: take it slow. I can see from this photo that you went on a little too heavy, too fast. It shows in the build-up and drippy look of the piece, which from the looks of the next few pics, you had to sand a lot of it down again. BEing a semi-metalic paint, it shows up even more. Metalics are tricky to work with. I noticed a bit of it again when you started adding the yellow and black. That's part of what's giving it a slightly more plastic look, as well. When spraying on paint it's always best to use very thin coats and slowly build up coverage rather than to douseas much of the piece at one time. I've learned this the hard way on several projects from repainting lawn furniture to making signs to bring to WWE events. Lighter coats not only have a lower chance of running or dripping, they also don't take away as much from the base look of the material.
thank you for your feed back for my next piece I will most likely go slower, I painted primer black so i could see where I needed to sand it down, I still haven't made a cast yet, but I will take you advice to heart and try to do a better job next time, thank you again.
Best of luck to you. Aside from the hasty painting the helmet looks great. Smooth, well-defined details. Do you plan on making another when a more accurate/detailed pep file is avavilable? Until I unlock the Enforcer and some of othe specialization helmets, Soldier is kind of my go-to brain bucket in the game.
from the move and o bunch of other things, I finally got back in to working on my chest piece. I got 3 layers of fiberglass down, now its time to bondo ans a lot of sanding. I do plan on making it a matching yellow and black.
I just started working on the solider helm today. Great job, I saved the photos so I can have some references. Do you recommend starting the build from the rear of the helm?
Unsure if somebody else addressed this, but you misspelled build in the title, nothing wrong, just feel kind of OCD about it >.< nice helmet btw!
yes I stared from the rear, I thought it would be easy but I was so wrong. but start where ever you want, I would like to see some pix
Best of luck to you. Aside from the hasty painting the helmet looks great. Smooth, well-defined details. Do you plan on making another when a more accurate/detailed pep file is avavilable? Until I unlock the Enforcer and some of othe specialization helmets, Soldier is kind of my go-to brain bucket in the game.

I do plan on making this helmet again. I just now got a better detailed pep file and I won't be so hasty on the paint job.
Are you waiting on a soldier torso piece? Yeah... I wish I had one too.

Next to Recon, Soldier is the best.

Anyways, while you wait I suggest getting to your legs and arms (if you're even working on your whole body)

your helmet is exceptional and I think it came out wonderfully. I wish I could give you some awesomesause to drizzle over it

I've just hit subscribe, so allow me to pressure you into making more awesome : )
Are you waiting on a soldier torso piece? Yeah... I wish I had one too.

Next to Recon, Soldier is the best.

Anyways, while you wait I suggest getting to your legs and arms (if you're even working on your whole body)

your helmet is exceptional and I think it came out wonderfully. I wish I could give you some awesomesause to drizzle over it

I've just hit subscribe, so allow me to pressure you into making more awesome : )
what I'm waiting for is the halo 4 EOD pep file to be released or done... I'm working on the halo Reach EOD, and the Halo 3 EOD. I'm just wanting the generations look with all three helmets.
Wow dude you did an amazing job on that Helmet, I can't wait to see how the rest of your armor comes along.
your first helm was done well and i did like the pant on it but my one concern was that you did an overage of wearing the paint. other than that i think its all amazing
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