You know, MLP is actually getting scary now. Everytime i sign in to DeviantArt, the page that loads right after i click login (the Newest Submissions page) always has at least one or two ponies on it. And i sign in a lot of times in a day and that's every darn time. :confused
Ok, I have to get in on this strange, slightly demented thread..
This seems to explain what happens to the average person that is sucked into this evil my little pony obsession:
In short, if you dont want to get sucked in, DONT WATCH THE SHOW!!! One episode could be the difference between having a suit of Halo armor in your basement and having a pink suit of halo armor in your basement with flowers and rainbows on it!!!
Ok, I have to get in on this strange, slightly demented thread..
This seems to explain what happens to the average person that is sucked into this evil my little pony obsession:
(Image Removed to save length)
In short, if you dont want to get sucked in, DONT WATCH THE SHOW!!! One episode could be the difference between having a suit of Halo armor in your basement and having a pink suit of halo armor in your basement with flowers and rainbows on it!!!
errr. not sure if this means anything, but, i think im goin hard again. ma borniness is slipping. should i be worried? been watching redvsblue. the pony, versus the spartan.(or elite!)
I'm not close minded. I watched an episode, i didn't hate it and i don't hate the people who watch it, its just not my style of show. That being said i see some of the reasons people watch it so i know why so many are being converted to bronies.
Its not a matter of close minded, just a matter of interest.
Well, maybe from you, and I have to give you credit for trying it, but then there's mister shotgun-in-my-mouth over there, and mister unite-or-die-against-the-ponies, and a whole bunch of unsolicited hate.
So, my birthday's monday. Tomorrow, I'm making cupcakes, with cutie marks on 'em.