My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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what? the abridge series is the pincale of brony creation.
what? the abridge series is the pincale of brony creation.
Disagree. Eurobeat Brony is the pinnacle.

In other news, the car I was gonna put the Dash decal on got sold right before I had enough money to buy it.* CURSES

EDIT: *Dad wouldn't let me put it on the Saturn, so I was gonna wait till I got this 240 I've been looking at, but... lol
eh it all perseption. there are really 3 types of brony: ones who really only like the show, ones who really only like what they become on the internet, and people who like everything. im half between 2 and 3.
Well, I legitimately love the cartoon. But I also like the community. I think most bronies are this way.

Today, school started. In second period, we had to introduce ourselves and 3 things about ourselves. (Yay, blow-off class /rolleyes) So I said I watch My Little Pony and I like Japanese cars, sat down, and brohoofed Beth. Ain't no shame in my game.
hehe school don't start for me till next thursday. i'll probably stick with what I usually do but a litte different "im a furry, a brony, and I play the sh!t out of Halo" it's gunna be a loooooooooooong year XD
hehehe, you should see this place in the winter. I hope to finish my armor just intime for fall, then i can mold and cast then paint my brony armor (luckily my brother is leaving for the marines in a couple weeks and won't give me **** for it.
Wow what the Jesus have I stumbled upon here? My little Pony?! if there were ever a "non Halo" subject it would defenitley be My Little Pony!! lmfao

little vulgar but i needed something to wake this thread up.

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