My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Welcome to the Herd. Now go watch some Ponies.


Indeed I shall!
More Pony cosplay sighted, you have to skip to 1:33 in the video to see it.
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Oh GAWD! It's Cupcakes all over again! o_O

Just wondering. How do you let your IRL friends know you're a Brony?

I'm going to try converting the non believers by drawing them with pony based memes, including frequent use of "20% cooler" and "love and tolerate it". By the time they realise I'm a Brony they may even have wondered what all the interest is about, and check it out of their own accord. I wouldnt try and force them into watching it, because they may be less likely to convert, but if you do get to suggest an episode to them, I'd go with number 16 and 23 for the high Rainbow Dash content =D
Oddly enough, it was this very thread that did me in.
I saw a random, misplaced image on Google that said something about older men watching a little girls show, thought to myself, "Creeps," and moved on. I then saw My Little Pony mentioned under "trending" at Know Your Meme (was looking up the POOLS CLOSED phenomena XD), thought "That must be the show" and finally visited the 405th to see this thread under the "Recent Posts." Crossing paths three times in different places, I thought that I'd find out what it was all about. It was embarrassing to watch, but I really did like the show. It was so darned cute! From that point forward, I was a fan.
Oddly enough, it was this very thread that did me in.
I saw a random, misplaced image on Google that said something about older men watching a little girls show, thought to myself, "Creeps," and moved on. I then saw My Little Pony mentioned under "trending" at Know Your Meme (was looking up the POOLS CLOSED phenomena XD), thought "That must be the show" and finally visited the 405th to see this thread under the "Recent Posts." Crossing paths three times in different places, I thought that I'd find out what it was all about. It was embarrassing to watch, but I really did like the show. It was so darned cute! From that point forward, I was a fan.
Welcome to the Herd, brother. Glad to see more bronies on the site. :)
guess it started one night, after seeing the show on "Know Your Meme", and I had to see what all the fuss was about...

It was Team Fortress 2 and Memebase that did it for me. So many sprays and pony related sound clips and pictures... I had to know more!
... I had to know more!

I am glad you did! So, did you share the show with any of your friends? You know, being a "seed" brony and all (not converted by another fan)
I converted one, but she already watched childrens' shows, so not much of an accomplishment. Oh, and there was my other friend, and his reaction was less than what I wanted. Haha ^_^
To all my fellow Bronies on the 405th, I bring you....the ENTIRE 1st season of

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