What is this movie called?
Im digging deep here, This could be two movies or just one but I remember parts of them from at least 7 or more years ago. If I can remember correctly they both were fantasy (magic) I remember 2 girls fighting over a large mirror but it broke and a piece fell into a guys eye from the sky, At the end I remember one of the girls making the guy put the mirror back together piece by piece in a cold/frozen place, she couldnt find the last piece because it was in the guys eye, there was something magically about the mirror I think. idk, would be nice to watch again
Im digging deep here, This could be two movies or just one but I remember parts of them from at least 7 or more years ago. If I can remember correctly they both were fantasy (magic) I remember 2 girls fighting over a large mirror but it broke and a piece fell into a guys eye from the sky, At the end I remember one of the girls making the guy put the mirror back together piece by piece in a cold/frozen place, she couldnt find the last piece because it was in the guys eye, there was something magically about the mirror I think. idk, would be nice to watch again