My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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My dream come true.

I must say the facial expressions in the movie were adorkable even in they are technically human
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So... EQG discussion?

It was alright.
/amazingly well thought out response and opinion

There were some good bits, like some of the songs - and yes, the facial expressions were pretty good. However, it didn't have as much character development as I thought it would, especially for /Sunset/ - whose motives weren't really explained all that well. Or at all. (Hopefully her microseries comic coming up soon should fix that a bit...)

But romance sub-plot? 0/10. Could have done without. Added nothing to story. Confirmed he won't even appear in S4.

After you've all had your own rant, discussion on the official comic series? If anyone else reads those...
1) didn't want to double post but wanted to share this. The Rainbow Dash silhouette emblem on my chest. 100_1747_zps94952975.jpg

2) That's kinda dumb how they aren't going to put him in S4... kinda defeats the purpose of him existing.
3) I had no idea there was even a comic series until you just mentioned it... guess I got some reading to do
Well, first off, Pinky Pie is still insane (my wife's favorite character and soon-to-be EQG cosplay). The songs were good and the plot was actually well thought out. It had the seeming of an extended episode rather than a stand-alone movie, though. Otherwise, the animation style (which some have complained about) was very stylistic and not as risque or suggestive as others have said.

I think my biggest problem with the whole thing is the initial coldness of Principal Celestia toward a new girl, since it was supposed to be a copy of personalities from the regular Equestria.
Guys guys guys...
I think the movie wasn't flawed in many ways other than it's sub-par enemy and it's 1 minute in power.

I know it's a girl's show and it's supposed to have pussy enemies that they can defeat with a little words of wisdom... but that "boss fight" was really (and I mean REALLY) weak. My god Sunset, even discord who got an hour in power could turn the world to shyte... at least summon some sort of Killball to smash everything with and drop some tanks on your enemies or something. Even I could grab a gun and ruin some people's lives easier than that.

Remember how they said in the beginning "Equestria will have no other means of defense without the Elements of Harmony"? Dude. just magic throw some spears at Discord and boom, he's done...?


The "dry" pieces of story you guys seem to dislike was meant in it's core to be dry comedy, suggesting nothing more than what's going on in their cartoony lives.

"I watch the show to watch them be them" Digibrony said, and I totally agree with him. I watch the show to watch Pinkie be retardedly funny... etc. As a story telling movie, you may be right guys, it's terrible. The whole movie was... villain who wants to rule a high school get's their glory moment for one minute and after she cries for a bit for realizing shes evil... all is well.

I think the movie should be treated more as a slice-of-life type deal. I've been looking at it that way since Discord's deal, when I finally noticed that the show was pretty pointless if you're dissecting it for plot. sure, character development is plot, but not much can happen outside of Twilight because look at the rest. Rainbow wants to be part of the Blue Angels, Rarity wants to be the next Louis Vuitton, and Applejack doesn't even have a dream!
Maybe Flutters and Pinkie might have something but it might not be any more than create a temple for what they enjoy and have others come and worship or something. Twilight's character arc is... she learns how not to be a dick to the world and because more than an average pony ( all because she made friends, not like she solved a number of world problems or something )

Since this show is aimed for a crowd that's supposed to forget and forgive (learn how not to be socially awkward lol) it should be viewed as a Spongebob thing. That show is purely dry comedy. After every event in episodes "all is well and it might as well never happened anyway". Nothing is learned, but we know one more thing about the characters and, that's about it... right?

I used to whine and cry about how pointless the show seemed with it's terrible enemies that could be taken out with one shot to the head... but it's sort of not supposed to he serious like some of those Animes. I don't really know about specific details about them but they get to the point and the character gets better... right? Not sure, and even though I'm a direct descendant of that culture, I don't watch or know a lot about it.


About "Since it was supposed to be a copy of personalities from the regular Equestria", I think the writers compared the magical wonderland they live in with our horrifying world we live in. Remember the part where Twi has lunch with Flutters in the Cafeteria? Fluttershy said "everybody sticks to their own kind" suggesting our flawed world's reality, because people KILL each other over difference here don't they? If that isn't enough, the scene with the CMC in the library noting their comments on their "Youtube".

The transitioning between worlds was told brilliantly, and at least I know the show recognizes the differences Equestria and the hell hole [HERE] is. The neighborhood I live in is really peaceful but get real guys, Syria? Somalia?

I wouldn't have changed much in the movie besides the main good vs evil line. I'm sure shimmers could've been smarter with how she's going to take over the world.

Rather lengthy, but I just wanted to point those two cents out before more people say the movie was pointless and stupid (I've heard a bunch of that).
Honestly I liked it! When the announcement came up I was skeptical, but decided to give it a try. (Thats what got me into the show in the first place). I walked out of the movie very pleased. The songs were catchy, the characters true to their equestrian counterparts, and the "love story" was minimal. Plus it had that subtle humor the show is known for. If you like the show, and have the option of seeing the movie, I'd recommend it!

The show doesn't scare me much and aint half bad at times, but goddang, I think with some "bronies" its a competition to see who can be the creepiest. Not saying all MLP fans are, but there are a few who take the overkill award for the decade from ol ' Foxx...
overkill like making a new Halo comedy series about an ODST brony?
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Time to start talking about Equestria Girls. I think
SchizophrenicMC might like this, to honor the first post in the My Little Pony thread!!!​

I did host two meetups for Equestria Girls

In June, we saw it at "Muvico Hialeah" in Miami (the one I hosted), and "Cinema Paradiso" in Ft. Lauderdale!

Muvico Hialeah EqG Meetup

Cinema Paradiso EqG Meetup

In July, we hosted another meetup at "Sunset Place" in South Miami

Sunset Place EqG Meetup

I will say that the movie beat my expectations! :)
guys I hate the web now. just when I though MLP FIM was going great they make this new show with people. pony's you can do more with, people not so much, and I can't even stand for the new spike, rainbow; still cool, flutter shy: not shy enough, (yeah I've seen some weird stuff in the past three weeks. one of which was this comic(NSFW comic) and then I seen trickess, got a new card to add to my shoulder plate. and yeah I know RTX came up and yet again I missed it, but for a good cause, a sick kid wanted to meet a halo guy so I went and it was fun, not as much as RTX but still fun.
You know Equestria Girls is just a movie spinoff, right?

Speaking of which, Am I the ONLY one who think that EqG is VERY similar to Majora's Mask!?!
I heard rumors about the creaters of Equestria Girls hating the creation process.... For some reason hint hint

And people have to remember it's made to sell toys...
All-in-all, it was not entirely poorly done. They did an okay job with stereotyping the personalities, but only just barely. They did a good job with the humanization of the anthropomorphic ponies. Unfortunately, all it did was give human costume options to cosplayers (my wife wants to do a Pinkie Pie costume now). And, it was meant to give Barbie and Bratz a run for their money.
Jason it won't even come close to Barbie. because unless they start making movies which I would buy the day of release they won't give much of a fight. and one thing I got to say is this when you go to a con and people start asking why you have a rainbow dash playing card on your shoulder(just like forge did with the ace.) why do they first think your a furry, when clearly your not with the full body armor(with the new show the halo 4 MP is great to make a MLP FIM show now.)

ps one reason I don't really like the new show when I message come it's a text not a flaming burb from spike.
Added a few... enhancements... to my armour. Thought you guys might like it :)
Single cutie mark on the left thigh, and my New Lunar Republic emblem on each shoulder!

th_5_zps4fe35da5.jpg th_7_zps516e2029.jpg
I despise MLP and I think it is silly and childish......

But secretly I fear that I would like it if I watched it.
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