well after sanding my butt off all day... this is all I got done, the top parts are starting to look smooth. this is going to be a long and hard project.
well im leaving for college so I wont have any time to work on my suit until next summer. I managed to get some work done on my splazer and thigh piece.
well, I haven't been able to do anything prop related for a while now, so I thought id show you some of my halo artwork I have been creating instead.
sorry, you will have to click the links to see them. for some reason you cant upload pictures from deviantart to this site.
well im back working on my armor =D just started working on it today a little. its hard though now that i have a full time job, but ill try to work on it every chance i get!
anyway i just finished my latest "painting" today and wanted to show ya guys. i ended up redoing one of the ones in my last post, it didnt quite do it for me haha:
Okay. First off, your armor is completely PERFECT. Second, your paintings are completely PERFECT. Third, I must know when we will see updates from you, because this thread is too old, and full of awesome to just die..
Please be aware of the dates on threads. The last post was Nov 2011.
Take a look in the File archive (top, under 405th banner), should be able to find what you're looking for there.