I was using a technique that Mighty John used instead of bondo he uses joint compound. its less hazardous, a little more dusty, but It is SO MUCH easier to work with. It was very helpful for one of my Ironman Builds
dropping by to check on your build. Looks really good! I'm still slacking=/ I have my whole undersuit bought and the pepakura is kicking my ass. I hope everything goes well with your build!
I have a feeling this is going to be a fantastic suit when you're finished with it. Your progress so far is quite good. Keep it up! We all want to see more! lol.
Rex out.
Looks amazing! You work quick!
Depending on how thick you're rondo is on the inside coat you may not need Bondo for some of the parts. Just sand down the outside curves then spot putty the little air pockets.
I believe I can help here. Try this HD Model by FLYINGSQUIRL: http://www.4shared.com/file/GF9jlUqI/Mark_VI_helmet__Final_FS_versi.html
With this you can use the templates to make your foam upgrades. The model also includes templates for the rear section of the helmet as well. (If you do end up using these make sure the scale is the same as your helmet!)
Hope this helps and is a fair return...
As long as you are trying to put the details on the same type of helmet it should not be a problem. But if you want to be on the safe side you can try printing out one of the largest template pieces and double check the size to be sure the size is correct. After you have checked that you can use the same scale of whatever you adjusted to fit all the rest of the pieces. That should give you success...
Good luck with the foam parts. If you're like the way it comes out, you should try a full foam suit, I started on a foam suit, and so far so good! it's really campfy!![]()
Good luck, hope it works out.
Helmet looks great! did you resin it before you rondoed it? Resining it and letting it cure for 24 hours helps reduce the warping...
thanks, and yeah i did resin it beforehand. The warping is really minor though
So after a day of adding bondo, sanding, and painting, here is my helmet:
it didnt turn out as good as I'd hoped it would (it looks kinda cheapish in person) but nonetheless I think that once the visor is in and I add more physical details to it, it will look better (also the visor area isnt fully cut out obviously)
Also as you can see, I will be painting my armor yellow for the character "Sister" from Red vs Blue. Also I just really like the way yellow looks. I'm doing some black detailing because I've seen some other 405thers do it (like longshot and some others) and I think it looks cool with the yellow.
PS does anyone know what you use to cover those vent areas in the front of the helmet? It kind of looks like people are using a bendy tube thats been cut in half ??
That work best if you are referring to to ***"vents" at the front.
Dang!!! Its awesome!!! Just that alone is really neat. I can't wait to see what you do next...
Seems most people are using cord covers/organizers for the forward vents. I found some at Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart and Target recently. Pretty cheap too.
Also, holy crap. That looks awesome! Everytime I check back to this build, it looks better and better. I really can't wait to see the finished suit. Keep up the awesome work!
Rex out.
EDIT: This stuff
Doesn't look cheap to me. Adding the visor will really help make the helmet look "legit". Also, try giving it a light blackwash and scratches to simulate a metal wear-and-tear look.
As for the vents, as has been mentioned, cable organizing tubes work best. If you'd like, check out Page 5 of my suit build to see how I did it: