My Rogue And C.q.b. Armor

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The look of unsmoothed bondo. Just seeing it is enough to drive me crazy. But judging by your last few pieces I expect something amazing.
let me be the first to say.... ahem......"your sh*t is bananas" thats a wicked look that you have going on there.....please dont hold that quote against me it was all in good fun
Hand plate painted and finished. I think it looks pretty good, let me know!




WOW the armor is coming along nicley.

Can i make a suggestion, you could use silver as an under coat and when your done painting, scrach some paint off and it will give it a battle batterd look if you do it right.
The Hunter II4 said:
Can i make a suggestion, you could use silver as an under coat and when your done painting, scrach some paint off and it will give it a battle batterd look if you do it right.

That method works great on black, and if you use vaseline before you put the final coat on.

With lighter pieces you have the benefit of black washing everything which hides the fact that the "scratches" are actually above the base color.
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I noticed that you didn't really smooth the hand plate, but after seeing it painted, the sharp corners and edges fit it very nicely.
seeing it in person is so much better. I'm glad that your helmet fits me so I can figure out what its going to be like when i can wear mine, I was worried about the whole long curly hair issue, but I dont think it should be too much of a problem.

Total props on creeping the old dudes out in Gamestop btw :)

Oh and 2!
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Pretty sweet stuff! Along the lines of basecoat, if you use the black spray rubber (Plasti-Dip Spray) it will create a thin layer of rubber underneath the whole thing so that you'll never get a scratch that goes all the way to the resin & bondo underneath, unless of course you cut it with a knife or something.
Update, Got a lot of bondo work to be done, this is just some of the progress I've done. Enjoy! :p






And one last photo on everything finished at the moment. :)

i think there is a very specific word that can sum up all expressions right now: WOW !! holy crap man. seriously, amazing job so far. keep up the jaw-dropping work :D
*drools* Way to go!!!! It's looking absolutely amazing! :D
Keep up the good work. I need to come down sometime. I want to see it in person.
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