Foam My second build (Mk7)

That's legit
Do you know the poundage of the top magnet? For the ammo pouch I recommend a saw utility pouch or something that's similar.
It says that it can lift 30lb and I only used one magnet on each side.
I've seen people with that ammo pouch and I did find a store near me that sells it. I might just need to get one then.
Hey all, I figured that I should post an update on some of the changes made to the suit. I had more time on my hands over the past few months and so I manged to build a smaller and detachable cod piece and now it does not slide down as I walk. I also got to redo the weathering on the armor to match it more to the style in game but it still feels unnatural to me. What do you guys think?


Also I have decided I want to try to get this suit to T3 so here is a list of things I still need to do:
  • Make a vacuumed formed visor (got the buck for that already)
  • Make the ab wrap tech suit using foam and fabric
  • Make a new neck gasket out of foam so that I can paint it the right colors
  • Maybe make the the details for the gloves as they follow the armor coating pattern
I hope to at least get the visor done for Fan Expo in August but time will tell.
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