My Torso Armor

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looking good fraz you have inspired me to get off my sorry backside and do something this weekend. been so busy with work and organising car club events and mothers day. lol
Yeah, make sure the Paper Settings and your Printer Settings are both set to landscape. If I had to guess, I'd say it probably rescaled it to portrait width which made it smaller.
46" all the way round.. Baby ;)

I finished the bicep last night and it's just a little too long. I can forsee problems with it clashing against the forearm. So I think, at least, for me, a rescale is required for the biceps and probaly the forearms too..

My Thighs are pretty big so I think If I scaled down the whole armour they'd bee too small.. So, I'm gonna continue making the different armour peices at the current scale, because 1. My mate Pug50 is a lot taller than me and the bits will probably fit him and 2. If I have a reference set at the correct scale I'll know which bits need reducing.
im up there with you. i think my chest is like 44 inches maybe. but yeah i think ll make each piece out of paper and after i try it on make it out of cardboard. to save me some agony. my friend wants armor also but i dont have the resources to build it right now.
I printed mine in portrait, since those pics looked abit huge for me.

It printed out each item broken up on two pages which isnt any big deal, but I will reprint these in landscape and make both sets, to show the difference in size.

OK, I just did a test reprint of my armor in landscape and laid out the two and notice a difference right away. Aside from wasting paper, printing in portrait will increase only the width of the printout by 1/8 inch. So your helmet will be fat ear to ear, and the correct length front to back.

So keep that in mind, I left the auto adjust off for both prints, and am using an HP Laserjet 4350 for printing. and there is a difference!

I just finished doing the left bicep and I am 5'11 and default seems a bit long, so i recommend scaling that down by 20%. On seperate note i am going to be playing around with resizing aspects of the armour my GF is looking at using these templates as a basis for a female suit of sparten armour and even scaled down they are still way to big for her.
pepakura hates me, im made the helmet but it was about 2 times the size of my i havnt go enought card and the craft shop doesent have ne in for another week, and when i folded all the bits there were things missing like where the lights are supposed to go....and the vent thingys on the chin...
That's because Pepakura does an exact replica of the 3d model for Master Chief's armor. The "holes for the lights" and vents and such are not actually a part of the 3d model. They are pictures that are placed on top of the 3d model to give it added dimension without having a higher polygonal count which make the game run smoother.
If that sort of thing is really that important.... Apply the textures and flip the edge ID's..
frizzle fry i stole your helmet as a defentiton :

the things which i have circled red are missing from my helmet.....
how can i get them..... have i folded it wrong?
the holes arnt included, what im doing on mine is im using the textures that are on these forums that i found, then i use that as a guide when i cover it will resin
no not the holes but the boxes. the different shepes the box thing on the side of the head thats higher than the rest
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