PROGRESS UPDATE: Smoothcasting the Helmet
So with my finals finished and death no longer staring me in the face, I braved a trip down to TheKennanator's apartment where we proceeded to smoothcast my Mark VI helmet. You can find a great tutorial from JediStumpy on this process
here. The entire process, from start to finish, only took a couple of hours. I used a tester set of Smoothcast 300 and coated the inside 4 times with 4oz of each part of the solution. It's an amazingly simple process, and one of the most time consuming parts was just sealing the visor area and neck opening with tape in preparation. Of course, once that was done, it was really easy.
Mixing the solution:
Pouring it:
Sloshing it around, spreading the love:
A couple of hours, 4 coats, and an entire tester set later, I removed most of the tape and cut a square hole in the bottom. Here's the result:
(The white mess in the visor is actually plastic that formed on the back of the tape. Pretty neat if you ask me.)
I roughly cut out some of the plastic that hardened around the neck opening so I could show the plastic coat on the inside:
So smoothcasting was a really, really easy procedure. I'm not really going to go into the details of it, since the tutorial hyperlinked above does everything I could hope to in that regard. However, I will certainly say that anyone wanting to strengthen their helmet should certainly go this route. It's easy, there's no mess, it's non-toxic, and it works extremely well. The helmet is ridiculously strong and has a comfortable weight to it, now. I've dropped it on the floor from chest level for its "moment of truth", and it bounced off like nothing happened. Win.
However, the opening around the neck was too narrow to fit my head in - by design. Thanks to Condor, I had some good specific information as to what areas to trim off so I could fit my head through the opening. After a little playing time with my Dremel this morning, I've successfully trimmed the opening of the helmet:
...and now it fits over my head...
Sometime later, I'm going to cut out the visor area and post a picture or two of that. That way, I might be able to see when I put it on....
[Thanks, Moulinator and Condor for the compliments, btw.