Nerds with Girls???

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On the whole sex topic, im at a loss here.
I'm a christian (Dutch Reformist) and i've always been brought up to abstain untill marrige. I'd just like to make it clear i have no intention of forcing that on anyone.
But yes, i have next to zero experience with that side of the relationship.
Well, Jaben, from an evolutionary standpoint, the whole purpose of living is to rear offspring, and continue the species' existence. Of course, the way this happens is sex. Take note that the average lifespan before mass adoption of medicine is barely in the mid-late thirties. Assuming it takes 16 years to raise a child to the point where they can begin the same, the lifespan one needs, at minimum is 33 years. Sixteen from birth to mate, roughly 1 year for gestation, 16 years to raise the child until they mate. That leaves a few years, generally, tacked onto the natural lifespan, to accommodate for any other children a couple raises.

With this in mind, the human body, as all sexually reproductive animals, is literally wired to have sex upon sexual maturity. So, being as we are animals, and we are not immune to instinct, we want sex. Of course, there are exceptions. Excessive conditioning against it, or trauma, can all but eliminate the mating instinct. This is what we see in people who practice religions where sex is considered taboo, or in the case of people who have undergone trauma associated with sex.

In the case of Humans, as well as some primate species, and dolphins, however, sex is even more complex, and goes beyond the point of being a simple mating device, but also an important social device. Those 3 types of animal mate to build bonds. Couples stay together if they're having sex, generally. It's conducive to raising children if there's a little fun keeping both parents together.

Suffice it to say, though I was raised a Mormon, the abstinence-till-marriage thing never made sense, or sat well with me.

If you want to, go ahead and save the sex for marriage. Doesn't change my life. But do keep in mind, just how important it is to human physiology, once you get there. At the very least, it's good exercise.

Er, moving on from there, Hickey, I'd look into some counseling, because your worldview isn't normal, and does seem to be founded only on trauma. Moving past that will be good for you. :)
I was going to say 'This is Sparta' but I get the feeling that would be rather insensitive.

Also, as Schizo said, sex isn't everything, though lots of people will try to tell you otherwise, and relationships aren't over-rated... they're underrated, in my experience. If you get into a good one, like Schizo described, it can be really helpful emotionally and psychologically. Avoiding something because it might lead to a bad outcome is silly IMO, but if that's your prerogative, I can't really question that. I just disagree.

Basically, no matter if he was in a position to be in a healthy relationship his skewed personal views of the world based on home trama's will prevent this from ever happening. Suffice to say its like avoiding flying because you might crash. And yeah, "this is sparta" probably wouldn't have been the best statement to make. XD

Er, moving on from there, Hickey, I'd look into some counseling, because your worldview isn't normal, and does seem to be founded only on trauma. Moving past that will be good for you. :)

Can any one person define normal? Normalacy has no real definition but is instead is defined by the standards of society through mediums of main-stream media such as music, art, news, ect unknowingly. We define life by being social creatures of habit, however; there may in fact be a person who defines life by non-social consult. What one may define as normal is never the same for the person beside them. He might just as well view his perspective as normal and ours as abnormal. This is not me condoning his perspective in anyway, though; counceling seems best. You can never be truly happy until your house is in order.

As to the sex-till-marriage, its not only a Mormon view but seems to be what most religions adopt as a rule or law. Personally, I don't understand it either. I'd at least like to know that the process of sex is nice enough for me to endure before marriage. No offense to the guy but if I was to carry a baby to term I'd like to know that the process that put me in that position was well worth it.

= 3=
[That... sounded MUCH better in my head.]
Basically, no matter if he was in a position to be in a healthy relationship his skewed personal views of the world based on home trama's will prevent this from ever happening. Suffice to say its like avoiding flying because you might crash. And yeah, "this is sparta" probably wouldn't have been the best statement to make. XD

Can any one person define normal? Normalacy has no real definition but is instead is defined by the standards of society through mediums of main-stream media such as music, art, news, ect unknowingly. We define life by being social creatures of habit, however; there may in fact be a person who defines life by non-social consult. What one may define as normal is never the same for the person beside them. He might just as well view his perspective as normal and ours as abnormal. This is not me condoning his perspective in anyway, though; counceling seems best. You can never be truly happy until your house is in order.

As to the sex-till-marriage, its not only a Mormon view but seems to be what most religions adopt as a rule or law. Personally, I don't understand it either. I'd at least like to know that the process of sex is nice enough for me to endure before marriage. No offense to the guy but if I was to carry a baby to term I'd like to know that the process that put me in that position was well worth it.

= 3=
[That... sounded MUCH better in my head.]

I'm a protestant, so I have been raised to believe that sex before marriage is immoral... but I've never understood why. It's like, most religious rules are in place to stop people hurting one another, or God, or some such, but abstinence never made sense in that regard. Maybe because it's something you're naturally driven to do, and so overcoming instinct is a test of character? I'm not sure, but it's a very confuzzling thing for me.

Also, @Schizo, as Hiro said, normalcy is subjective, and changes depending on the company. It's really whatever the trend is among that group; no-one is truly normal, but it's hard to discern where the line between 'different' and 'wrong' lies. It's one of humanity's greatest flaws IMO, that the two are often viewed as the same.

Uh... I think we're a tad off-topic here xD But it's not wrong off-topic, it's just different off-topic! D:<
I haven't really responded to this thread, but since Jabenbetz has brought up my view on the subject and Schizo has given a very well though out response, I might as well post up my thoughts.

Well, Jaben, from an evolutionary standpoint, the whole purpose of living is to rear offspring, and continue the species' existence. Of course, the way this happens is sex. Take note that the average lifespan before mass adoption of medicine is barely in the mid-late thirties. Assuming it takes 16 years to raise a child to the point where they can begin the same, the lifespan one needs, at minimum is 33 years. Sixteen from birth to mate, roughly 1 year for gestation, 16 years to raise the child until they mate. That leaves a few years, generally, tacked onto the natural lifespan, to accommodate for any other children a couple raises.

With this in mind, the human body, as all sexually reproductive animals, is literally wired to have sex upon sexual maturity. So, being as we are animals, and we are not immune to instinct, we want sex. Of course, there are exceptions. Excessive conditioning against it, or trauma, can all but eliminate the mating instinct. This is what we see in people who practice religions where sex is considered taboo, or in the case of people who have undergone trauma associated with sex.

In the case of Humans, as well as some primate species, and dolphins, however, sex is even more complex, and goes beyond the point of being a simple mating device, but also an important social device. Those 3 types of animal mate to build bonds. Couples stay together if they're having sex, generally. It's conducive to raising children if there's a little fun keeping both parents together.

Suffice it to say, though I was raised a Mormon, the abstinence-till-marriage thing never made sense, or sat well with me.

If you want to, go ahead and save the sex for marriage. Doesn't change my life. But do keep in mind, just how important it is to human physiology, once you get there. At the very least, it's good exercise.
Suppose I don't believe in evolution? Suppose I believe man was created in the image of God and is a step above animals? The whole "if it feels good, do it" mindset is one of the major problems with society and leads to situations of the type that have jaded Hickeydog.

I don't want to get into all the biblical reasons why sex before marriage is wrong, but suffice it to say, virginity is the best gift I can give my future wife when I get married, and one I would hopefully expect in return. Does it take some character to live that way? Sure, but striving to be an honorable man is a worthwhile goal. It takes no character at all to screw around all over the place.

That being said, you're right that the desire of a man and a woman toward each other is a perfectly natural, God-given desire. Between married couples, the Bible explicitly says to "do it" often. That's why we Baptists don't have priests.

I realize that all this may stray over the "no religious discussion," so I'm sorry, I'm not trying to force this view on anyone. It's just what I personally believe, and it defines my relations with the opposite sex, so I think it applies to this thread. Also, though Schizo's post should definitely be considered, it is not the only viewpoint on the subject.
Well thought out responses on the issue but if you combine the religious moral teachings and apply economics to the thought process you’ll find different perspective. Most of the religions that discourage sex till marriage have a number of rules and life milestones before they‘re considered fit and ready for marriage. A number of the economic advantages if you follow the teachings , a man is supposed to own his own home be educated and establishing in a career be able to support his wife independently whether she works or not. Being slightly older established in life means that you have more economic wealth to properly raise children for the next generation. By having an established home career and support mechanism for your children it greatly enhances the chance of healthy children. For proof all you have to do is look at the statistics children born from teenaged parents in today’s society typically are raised near or in the poverty level. However children born in marriages where one or both of the parents have a college education or an established career and already own a home will have a substantially better chance of being successful. As the sexual habits of other mammals go should be inconsequential and not compared to the human sexual reproductive cycle as we possess intelligence which makes us the superior life form on this planet. The human specie only requires enough of the next generation to support the current generation as it passes its knowledge and tools down. While humans can’t necessarily go to toe to toe in combat with most predators. We possess the capability to equip ourselves with weapons that can more than make up the difference. For instance a man with a rifle can kill hundreds of Lions in a year and it takes relatively small number of humans and our tools to drive species to extinction . Started getting sidetracked there but back to religion. Religious view of morality whether there is a God or not God who rules are morally and economically structured to ensure the best possible chance for the next generation.

Jaden based off the statistics of your age if you follow the commandments of your religion Work hard and smart, establish yourself in a career save your money and don’t spend needless hours on useless social endeavors and don’t waste money on material possessions ( material possessions like spending every last penny you have to put over the top stereo system in your car ) . I would almost guarantee now that you will end up in the top 20% if not 10% of society by following your religion.

Just my thoughts from being a little older
OOOOKAY, moving on from the religious discussion (Spase WILL shut down the thread if this keeps up), sex is a process that animals do, and you can put whatever significance you want on it. I don't care. I don't think any of us should care what anyone else here thinks about the matter. Let's keep it in our pants, people.

Anyway, I define normal as, following the majority of cases. The majority of the human race views relationships, sex, and the process of raising children in a good light, therefore that worldview can be considered "normal". Since Hickey does not share this view, his is "abnormal". I mean no negative connotation by this, but simply that, since it does not follow the majority, there is a factor at play that is causing that. I don't consider myself to be normal, in most aspects, and the fruit of humanity is its great diversity. Even still, there is a standardization of experience which can be expected, as we are all still members of the same species, sharing more than 99% the same DNA. (and the same planet, if it means anything to you)

I say, have fun, love your fellow man, and keep learning. I'm a humanist. I believe there is literally nothing that humanity, as a whole, cannot do, given time. And the best way to make sure of that is to better yourself, and those around you. It goes regardless of religion, just commit yourself to learning all you can, and having compassion. You can never lose if you do that.

It's strange. I'm a pessimist, and yet I have such optimism for humanity.
Not quite. I had to grow up seeing the results of sex-gone-wrong. My parents (biological parents. Who took great care of me), were also foster parents, and they took the babies of crack-addicted-15-year-old-drunken moms. Going through puberty with that constant reminder has pretty killed me inside. I have ZERO interest in coming REMOTELY close to being put into a position where I might create another life. I'm out. It's all bad. No good. Not happening. I'm probably going to suffer some sort of catastrophic mental explosion around age 35, but we'll deal with that when we cross that path.

You’re smart enough to know any potential mental issue is coming and do nothing but wait for it????
Now thinking like this makes no sense to me at all. You saw the worst humanity has to offer so that should make you a better parent down the road by seeing what not to do. The first couple of homes I bought to flip were condemned meth labs so I’ve seen firsthand what destroyed lives look like. That’s left me a more driven parent ,I will never ever allow my children to have a father that fails.
I think you’re just depressed with some type of emotional damage. Think you should have a full evaluation done by a psychologist and recommend a course of treatment. I suffered a severe amount of emotional damage that lead to neurological depression so I have no problem at all telling people that my shrink fixed me. Then in the meantime go parachuting white, water rafting..... something exciting your adrenaline going again and feel alive. Because if you lived locally I’d make you go do some of that stuff with me and guarantee in a week you’d be a different person.
I think you’re just depressed with some type of emotional damage. Think you should have a full evaluation done by a psychologist and recommend a course of treatment.

Why is everybody assuming that somebody who is not perfectly average is broken and needs to be repaired?

People who don't want relationships at all and people who don't want to have sex before they are married are equally unusual if you take the "average" human as reference. The only difference between them is that the latter have religion as a reason and nobody dares question that.
OOOOKAY, moving on from the religious discussion (Spase WILL shut down the thread if this keeps up),
I say, have fun, love your fellow man, and keep learning. I'm a humanist. I believe there is literally nothing that humanity, as a whole, cannot do, given time. And the best way to make sure of that is to better yourself, and those around you. It goes regardless of religion, just commit yourself to learning all you can, and having compassion. You can never lose if you do that.

It's strange. I'm a pessimist, and yet I have such optimism for humanity.
I wasn’t trying to promote or discourage religious views or beliefs but just demonstrate potential economic impacts for the good and why the rules are tailored and structured that way.

Why is everybody assuming that somebody who is not perfectly average is broken and needs to be repaired?

People who don't want relationships at all and people who don't want to have sex before they are married are equally unusual if you take the "average" human as reference. The only difference between them is that the latter have religion as a reason and nobody dares question that.

Because I was broken and repaired physically and mentally and his post reminded me of similar thoughts . He Knows a mental breakdown is coming in the future I’ve been there and had it fixed.

Going back to the nerds with girls discussion . I am a recent out of the closet nerd. My career has kept me at a high status so looking back most of my girlfriends would be described as shallow and superficial silicone wrapped flesh bags . The way to their heart was the three magic words not I love you but Coach, Prada and Chanel. So long are the days gone where I would be caught watching Battle Star Galactica when I was supposed to be doing something cool . So outside of school and the 405th where do the Cool nerd girls hang out at???
One last thing then moving back on. I'd Just like to apolagise for sparking that little debate there. I didnt mean to, but i know how what i did started that. On the plus side, it was good to see no one resorted to immature name calling or flaming. And, i think some valid points were raised to. Each to their own i guess...

As for armour and nerds, i have no idea. I dont know anyone around here that makes armour : (
but i guess maybe the local Games Workshop might have a few underground armour enthusiasts in there : )
It's tough being a nerd out here in farming country. The girls here seem to fall for the ones with the lowest IQ and basic red necks.
Why is everybody assuming that somebody who is not perfectly average is broken and needs to be repaired?

People who don't want relationships at all and people who don't want to have sex before they are married are equally unusual if you take the "average" human as reference. The only difference between them is that the latter have religion as a reason and nobody dares question that.

Not true, I am waiting to have sex until I get married for a logical reason. Usually when you get married you are stable in your career and can afford to have children. What good is the chance of having a child at 18, when you won't even have a stable job to afford it?
Ventrue, I assume he's broken because he says he's traumatized. I don't much care about what sex he has, or any of you have, but I do think his statement, that relationships aren't worth it is asinine, and caused by post-traumatic stress, as he has described. Do not think me so base.

Chao, waiting for marriage to have kids is the smartest thing you can do about that, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's reason to hold off on sex. To each his own, and I respect your decision, but if you're not doing it out of religious piety, and you do love the person, may as well commit the physical act. They invented all the various forms of contraception for a reason. *ahem* Moving on.

Nerd girls tend to hang around anime conventions, so, check there. Alternatively, build armor, go to school in it. You will be ridiculed by some, but others will recognize your skill. Also, the nerd girls will swoon. Kind of.
Ventrue, I assume he's broken because he says he's traumatized. I don't much care about what sex he has, or any of you have, but I do think his statement, that relationships aren't worth it is asinine, and caused by post-traumatic stress, as he has described. Do not think me so base.

That was not directed at you in particular. It's a common pattern these days, you're considered sick because of the slightest deviation from the norm. Then they push you through a few dozen expensive machines, find nothing and at that point you get a ticket into the psych department because the reason "isn't physical, so it must be psychological". And once you enter, you have a good chance of never leaving again - especially not because they realise that the problem isn't in your head after all.
I think if the mass of perfectly average people out there had to decide, all we nerds would probably have been locked away already. From the world, and from the girls :)
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