New and improved Rogue helmet, and armor (eventually) W.I.P

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Looking pretty good, Mstruvmgc! I'm always pretty impressed when I see a foam helmet that looks this decent. Any thoughts yet on what you plan on doing to coat/paint the foam?
Looks dead on man. Size seems perfect and the overall semblance is very nice. Very precise work!
I like it! Its always nice to see clean seams on a foam build. Thats one thing that has had me putting off my reach build for so long.
Keep up the good work.

Thanks! lol Besides a little warping that i will try and fix, i like it too lol. Well thanks for the compliment on the seams, i tried doing the best i could. I know i got better the more i glued. Its actually not as hard as i was originally thinking it was going to be. :) You should give it a go, and i think you will be surprised. Besides, it seems to me that reach armor works for foam better that some others.

the one thing that's going to be hard is the painting, due two it's foam and not resin. and if it's the red and blue like his old suit, it's going to be harder. lol sorry guys just seen something that's NSFW and a comment below was going. nope, nope, nope, nope ... it was kind of funny

Well painting will not be to hard after i seal the foam. Im not sure if i will do the same color scheme so we will see. :)

Looking pretty good, Mstruvmgc! I'm always pretty impressed when I see a foam helmet that looks this decent. Any thoughts yet on what you plan on doing to coat/paint the foam?

Thanks Carpathia, you honor me lol. Um i have been thinking about trying to find some plasti-dip and sealing it that way. Just have to actually find it lol. Do you have any good ideas on what i could use?
As far as painting goes, i might go with the red and blue like my old build, but i was thinking on maybe something different. I like the paint that changes color depending on how the light hits it. If i can find paint like that i might go for that :)

well compared to his last helmet(a good one that it was) this is way better.

Well thanks buddy :)
I think this turned out pretty well for my first time ever working with foam :)
I still have lots to learn and can probably improve, but im happy with how the helmet is looking so far.


Well i just figured id let everyone know that i will probably not be posting any pics for a little bit. I have to still seal the helmet and paint and stuff. But i have to find the sealer first. Hopefully wont take to long :)
I am working on the visor though so expect to see those pics possibly soonish :)
Untill then, have fun building everyone!
Looks dead on man. Size seems perfect and the overall semblance is very nice. Very precise work!

Sorry for double post, Lol but you posted while i was replying to my other posts. Sneaky ninja :p lol
Thanks for the compliment, i think after painting it will look lots better :)
Thanks Carpathia, you honor me lol. Um i have been thinking about trying to find some plasti-dip and sealing it that way. Just have to actually find it lol. Do you have any good ideas on what i could use?
As far as painting goes, i might go with the red and blue like my old build, but i was thinking on maybe something different. I like the paint that changes color depending on how the light hits it. If i can find paint like that i might go for that :)

You might want to look into this...


I'm using it on my new boots (in my thread) and it's working well so far. I'm hoping to get more done after I get my next paycheck and can afford a few more supplies; but I plan on applying bondo as well, to give the boots the same exterior texture as the rest of my armor.
Cool! Are the templates on the foam just the outlines of the pep?

Thanks, and what do you mean exactly? all i did was modify the basic file. I removed the tabs and got rid of pieces that didnt really need to be there for the foam. I actually still had pieces i didnt need that i printed out lol. I only found out i didnt need them when i got to gluing though.

Looks flippin' sweet M! Keep those updates rolling dude! :D

Thanks V! Glad yo found your way over here lol. I will try and update again soon. just got to have something to update with :)

You might want to look into this...


I'm using it on my new boots (in my thread) and it's working well so far. I'm hoping to get more done after I get my next paycheck and can afford a few more supplies; but I plan on applying bondo as well, to give the boots the same exterior texture as the rest of my armor.

Hmmmm, thanks, that stuff actually looks kinda nice. Ill keep it in mind :)
now I just want to know MC are you going to put some kind of mike or sound system in it? I've put in a radio system in my marine helms and can you think of the song "the vulture" by pendulum playing from a group of people at a con or a public place or a 5K lol.
now I just want to know MC are you going to put some kind of mike or sound system in it? I've put in a radio system in my marine helms and can you think of the song "the vulture" by pendulum playing from a group of people at a con or a public place or a 5K lol.

Im not sure if i will be putting a mic system in this particular helmet, we shall see.

I actually got a cool face shield at savers yesterday that has a cool green tint to it. I plan on installing it today into my helmet. So i will be posting pics of that later :)
Ok guys Super small UPDATE!!!
Well today isnt much because i ended up passing out while working on this lol. I was tired. I attached the visor to the helmet and installed some padding. :) Here are the pics

Here is the padding :)

Here it is on my head with the visor and padding

I now have to figure out what i am going to do with my silver visor i already cut out lol. I may just heat for that one too for this helmet, this way i can change them out with i want lol
Sorry about the links, photobucket is being a pain in my butt for some reason right now. I will try to fix them later when i get home so its just the picture.
I will also try and get the helmet plastidiped today as well if im not to tired :)
Well untill next time, have fun everyone
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I am currently trying to make a helmet out of foam for a friend and could I ask you how you installed your visor?
I am currently trying to make a helmet out of foam for a friend and could I ask you how you installed your visor?

Yeah sure no prob :)
All i did was heat form the visor to the helmet then i used velcro to attach it :) So far it holds really well. Here are a few pics to show you where i put the velcro

I put the velcro on either side of the visor, here is just one side shown.

Then i fitted the visor in the helmet so i could figure out where to put the velcro in the helmet and then attached it. Here are some pics to show that. :)

Left side

Right side

And then showing both

Hope that helps you and anyone else needing to know how i did it :)

I still have not gotten around to sealing the helmet. i have been busy and sleeping lol. I slept for like 10 hours yesterday without meaning to. I also work 10 hour shifts so that didnt leave me a lot of time lol. Oh well, ill get to it when i can :)
Thanks for looking and have a great day
Dude this is awesome I was just going to spam hot glue to the helmet but this is cheap and effective, Thank you.
well that's just great man, only one thing, if someone throws a punch at you and it makes contact with your visor it's not going to be pretty. just don't do the termatoir thing where you pull off your broken sunglass and start throwing yours.
Dude this is awesome I was just going to spam hot glue to the helmet but this is cheap and effective, Thank you.

And the great thing about it is if you want more than one color visor you can totally interchange em :)
Glad i could help lol

well that's just great man, only one thing, if someone throws a punch at you and it makes contact with your visor it's not going to be pretty. just don't do the termatoir thing where you pull off your broken sunglass and start throwing yours.

LOL well i guess i will have to try not to get punched in the face. :p


Okay guys and gals, another small UPDATE!!! :)

I plastidiped my helmet yesterday and i think it turned out alright. :) Here are some pics to show.


Right side

Left side


Now im not sure i put enough on there, even though i did three coats of it, because it looks a little off to me. But we shall see. I am painting right now and letting the third coat dry on the bottom part of the helmet. We shall see how it looks when its all painted up :) Ill probably finish painting the top part tomorrow or monday and post pics of it either monday or tuesday :)

Enjoy and have a great weekend everyone
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looks good game like in fact, just do the main paint job and rough it up a little. plus what's with the sticky notes man, it's like a moment from a show like all the creator notes.
looks good game like in fact, just do the main paint job and rough it up a little. plus what's with the sticky notes man, it's like a moment from a show like all the creator notes.

Thanks lol, i painted it up differently than before. Scroll down to see pics lol. And those notes are for the DND game i play on mondays :)


Hey everyone its that time again, thats right its UPDATE!!!! time lol

Okay so here are some pics of the helmet painted up :) I used Rustolleum Colorshift paint. It has a nice purple and blue finish to it. Hope you all enjoy.


Well thats all for now :)
The helmet is pretty much done for right now. All i need is a fan inside and possibly light and ill be good to go :)
Let me know what you guys think
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Did you use any primer/sealer before the paint? Might have helped to fill in the small gaps under the "mouth hole" as well as cover up the glue line on the back. A white/light grey primer might also have given the color a bit more "pop" of you wanted it to come out a bit brighter.

All in all looks like it came out pretty good. Any plans to carve out the indentations/vents on the cheek boxes? Could be a good way to add some ventilation, or to house some lights.

By the way, finally got my hands on some cardstock and after a quick test found out that my printer can indeed handle it, so there might be a pep version of this helmet being posted soon if all goes well.
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