Did you use any primer/sealer before the paint? Might have helped to fill in the small gaps under the "mouth hole" as well as cover up the glue line on the back. A white/light grey primer might also have given the color a bit more "pop" of you wanted it to come out a bit brighter.
All in all looks like it came out pretty good. Any plans to carve out the indentations/vents on the cheek boxes? Could be a good way to add some ventilation, or to house some lights.
By the way, finally got my hands on some cardstock and after a quick test found out that my printer can indeed handle it, so there might be a pep version of this helmet being posted soon if all goes well.
No i actually forgot to primer it until i was already mostly done painting lol. Noob mistake, oh well I will remember next time.
Thanks, and yes i plan on cutting them out once i figure out what i want to do with them. It might be a bit though because i am probably going to start packing a whole bunch of stuff to move soon. Someone threw a rock through my sliding glass door last night at around 11:30 while i was at work. Woke my room mate up and he called me. I just finished talking to the apartment office about switching to a different apartment like 10 min ago. They said they had to contact corporate to see if we can switch apartments sooner than the 60 day notice that we are supposed to give. So here is hoping lol.
Righteous! i hope to see the pep soon then