New halo: Reach live action trailer- deliver hope

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seriously...all of you guys are to picky and need to calm down... this trailer is completely fine, it was more than just was epic. instead of picking at every little detail and criticizing it you should be grateful that you got to see anything like this at all, real action trailers are not the easiest things to make you know, especially if their based off a fictional videogame. this film took a lot of time and a ton of effort to create so stop complaining....
seriously...all of you guys are to picky and need to calm down... this trailer is completely fine, it was more than just was epic. instead of picking at every little detail and criticizing it you should be grateful that you got to see anything like this at all, real action trailers are not the easiest things to make you know, especially if their based off a fictional videogame. this film took a lot of time and a ton of effort to create so stop complaining....

Gotta agree with this sentiment. A lot of people seem to be disappointed that the live action commercials were not actually catered to their individual and specific needs as a fan, as surprising as that may seem. It seems to be the trend though - something new or different comes out and is exposed on the internet, so it's right and proper internet etiquette for the so-called fans to hate and revile it. Of course, this goes for nearly every aspect of the entertainment industry anyways. If someone creates it, the majority will hate it by default without giving it sincere, unbiased consideration. You would think that most fans would find some way to appreciate their efforts in the least, but it seems that mentality has been lost to time.

Of course, I don't intend to say that if you're a fan you should like everything created within that genre by default, but it seems that the automatic response is to go to the other extreme and hate it and then proclaim yourself to be the master of narrative and special effects by saying "I can do it better." But that's just what I've seen over the past few years in general. I haven't been keeping up with the thread enough to see any of that here. :p

I dunno. Maybe Bungie doesn't actually know anything about their own creative property, and maybe Bungie shouldn't have the right to create media within their own creative property. This is sarcasm, by the way. ;)
Love these ads. Makes me think that it wouldn't be too hard to assemble a team and make a fan film that's something like this. Or maybe people have already done that? :3
seriously...all of you guys are to picky and need to calm down... this trailer is completely fine, it was more than just was epic. instead of picking at every little detail and criticizing it you should be grateful that you got to see anything like this at all, real action trailers are not the easiest things to make you know, especially if their based off a fictional videogame. this film took a lot of time and a ton of effort to create so stop complaining....

I actually agree with this man here ^^^^
Guile theme is win. ACUs are fail. Marpat makes much more sense.

......multicam disagrees with both..srsly

it's good for ALMOST everything because it's more tan than green....

tust me it really does blend in...I know cause I have my own multicam BDU.....

the militia that Johnson trained on harvest shoulda had would blend in real well in a wheat field..
I think the main thing that's been poked at is the jetpack scene. And, well, it's undoubtedly cheesy. Given, it was granted all of 4 seconds, and the rest of the trailer was epic. However, that 4 seconds cheapened the whole experience. If it'd been extended to reflect the epicness of the situation at hand (Noble 6 is gonna sacrifice himself to save a bunch of people, in an amazing way) and used a more dramatic set of effects for the jetpack, (Like a side shot of him in the air, or a not-so-ragdolly lower body motion in-air) the trailer would have been complete.

I expect that's something that the Extended Cut shows.
I realli iz confusseded!---*NOOB*

"Noble 6"........

N6 in trailer is Thom.........

I realli iz confusseded!---*NOOB*

"Noble 6"........

N6 in trailer is Thom.........


why is everyone calling him Thom? I would like to know proof. as far as I know, "Tom" and Lucy are with Kurt on Onyx.
Like we know jonathan sounds like the last a is an o thus making the thuon sound(th-un).....only replace the n with a m and you get..... raam(aaam) but with the th in font.......

at least that's my interpretation on it.......I'm noth that good in english.....

I do however know Jonathan like my life depends on's my first name after all............. This is Thom, not be confused with Tom-292 from the Ghosts of Onyx.

I just read over every bit of Information about this so called "Thom" character. all of the Links of who he was are inconclusive to if this is cannon or not. this is not cannon, his name is NOT Thom because sources fail to show proof that bungie has cannonized it.

the old Noble 6 has no name.
i read somewhere ( cannot remember for the life of me ) that N6 is not Thom. Thom was on nobles team but then died thus you are a completely customisable character which has no name.
why would N6 be called Thom if we were given the choice to make N6 a female.. its not like Thom is a female name or anything..
i read somewhere ( cannot remember for the life of me ) that N6 is not Thom. Thom was on nobles team but then died thus you are a completely customisable character which has no name.
why would N6 be called Thom if we were given the choice to make N6 a female.. its not like Thom is a female name or anything..

all I'm saying is where are people getting this name "Thom" from? Halo Wikia doesn't even have sources, (I only trust bungie's word, wikia is just like Wikipedia) WHERE IS THE PROOF? until then, I will call him "old 6".
i dosen't say per say who it is in deliever hope but on the profile under kats profile
"To wit: S-293 was KIA during an OP that S-320 had put together [22/04/2552]; S-320 is now convinced that S-293’s death rests solely on her own shoulders (S-259 is likewise convinced that he is solely responsible for S-293’s death). Eventually I hope to be able to get it through their thick Spartan skulls that Thom is dead because he chose to pursue a group of enemy combatants ON HIS OWN rather than wait for backup."
Take it as you will
i dosen't say per say who it is in deliever hope but on the profile under kats profile
"To wit: S-293 was KIA during an OP that S-320 had put together [22/04/2552]; S-320 is now convinced that S-293’s death rests solely on her own shoulders (S-259 is likewise convinced that he is solely responsible for S-293’s death). Eventually I hope to be able to get it through their thick Spartan skulls that Thom is dead because he chose to pursue a group of enemy combatants ON HIS OWN rather than wait for backup."
Take it as you will
here is the link, your totally right, its under kats description.
i knew id read it somewhere..
Jeezuz. Watched this vid again and I still get chills. To see Kat come so close, just to get wiped out by a flanking Banshee was heartbreaking. And when she lays there the battle raging, wavering on the edge of consiousness. She still musters the strength to acknowkedge Noble 6 as he gets to deliver the package. Her P.O.V. shot drives home the feeling of self-sacrifice a soldier bred to put the mission first must feel. Cool thing is Noble Six's body language when he reaches her. His shoulders kinda slump when he sees her face shield. You can see he want's to check on her. S-II's got such a raw deal. Mk VI MJOLNIR would have taken that impact much better.

Still, seeing this kind of production value go into a commercial is really depressing when you consider that this could easily be full length feature film.
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