New member, start of a build

Great work on your first build!! I'm really excited to see it when it's all done. My husband is also working on his first build - it's been a process of trial and error and a labor of love. You got this!
Progress is looking good. I assume you're going with a full Halo 3 ODST build? And are you planning for a full print suit?
Progress is looking good. I assume you're going with a full Halo 3 ODST build? And are you planning for a full print suit?
Thanks. The plan is a full Halo 3: ODST build, yeah. Probably fully 3D printed.

I think I need to retake measurements for Armorsmith, because I didn't account for the undersuit while taking them the first time. Fortunately, I've only printed the helmet.
Even after the initial measurements in armorsmith I'd recommend going back and double checking every measurement available. Armorsmith does a good job of getting you a starting point but you'll have to adjust the avatar parts again afterwords.

Also if I could make a suggestion. Make your thighs and boots out of foam if you can. Your legs will thank you after wearing your armor at a con all day. Than and being able to sit and kneel are a god send.
Even after the initial measurements in armorsmith I'd recommend going back and double checking every measurement available. Armorsmith does a good job of getting you a starting point but you'll have to adjust the avatar parts again afterwords.

Also if I could make a suggestion. Make your thighs and boots out of foam if you can. Your legs will thank you after wearing your armor at a con all day. Than and being able to sit and kneel are a god send.
Double checking as in measuring in the software versus in real life?

That is a good point. I guess I could do that. Now I need to figure out how to deal with foam, too. Lol.
If you decide to go down the foam path for any parts we've got a tutorial to help get people started, Foam Guide.
Will be planning to start up Discord build nights on Sunday evenings again in the near future, which is a great time to get real-time feedback and advice as well.
If you decide to go down the foam path for any parts we've got a tutorial to help get people started, Foam Guide.
Will be planning to start up Discord build nights on Sunday evenings again in the near future, which is a great time to get real-time feedback and advice as well.
Yeah, I remember seeing that. Thanks for the reminder.

Ooh, I'll have to check that out when that starts up.
Hey everyone! I joined after talking to the members who were representing the 405th at the Kansas City Comic Con. I have not made anything prop or cosplay related before, but I've begun my own Great Journey towards making a suit of my own. Specifically, a set of Halo 3: ODST armor and armaments.

To start off my journey, I printed the Halo 3 ODST SMG from Galactic Armory. I haven't done much beyond print and test fitment. No sanding or anything yet. I just had to share because I was excited.

View attachment 348952

I still have to get the lens for the red dot. I'm not sure if I want to get the rest of the equipment I need to print it in resin (I only have a resin print, and no ventilation or wash/cure station.), or if I want to just order the part from someone/somewhere.

But that's where I am! Pretty excited to continue this journey as time is available. Will post updates when there are new things to update on.

It is a pleasure to be here and meet everyone!
Welcome! I am super excited to see your progress. That SMG already looks really great so far. Good luck on the build!
All but the boot armor is sized. Haven't settled on a boot. Will slice and start printing today. Turns out, I didn't really have to change anything, so that's nice.
I laid out all the pieces I need to print for the armor... I haven't condensed anything yet, but oof, 27 plates!

Edit: Noticed I missed the Left Top Thigh, so that is actually there now.
ODST Armor - BambuStudio 8_15_2024 17_59_26.png
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