Adam Anderson said:for your robo helmet can i just change the hight or do i have to change the scale and the hight, or the scale, im lost. i really want to build this helmet.
MstrMarine said:Is the helmet to scale with the Halo 3 Legendary Edition helmet? Cuz then its perfect.
xavierjer said:i like these files i wished i would have seen these files sooner. I'm glad to see im not the only one that doesn't like to do the little circles.![]()
Spawnd said:Any plans for doing a HD chestpiece MrOreo? I'm halfway thru a Normal Detail one atm, but if you plan on doing one I'll scrap it for your fine work![]()
Tandhem said:p.s. are any or all of these the HD models??
Tandhem said:p.s.s. i think you would make the other half of this forum bow down to your name if you did Dutchs odst helmet and the rest of that armor in this beautiful incredi-smooth pep style.
Tandhem said:sounds great man. im debating on wrapping up my HD pep now and taking forever on it or waiting for you to release smooth hd's so do u have annny sort of E.T.A. on those??I just don't know if i can do anyone elses files with this possibility out there![]()
patiently awaiting hd shins)))
MrOreo123 said:Sorry, no ETA. Try as I might, my files far from perfect, so please don't put me on a pedestal or anything (but I'm still grateful for the praise!). In some respects, my files are actually HARDER to pep in a few areas due to the smooth curvature of some pieces over an angled corner. If you're in a hurry (like for the H3:ODST launch) just use the existing HD files and use your judgment whether or not to fold some of the lines since the underlying geometry is the same. In the mean time, I'll try to get to as many models as I can.
Crackhead's new HD shin is up. Links in the first post.
SoullessSin said:But It seems to me that the link is broken