Dungbeetle has graciously given me permission to post my unfold of his Iron Man Helmet. He has also asked that this NOT be reposted anywhere else, so please keep this a 405th exclusive folks.
What makes this unfold unique is that normally, his helmet is broken up into 3 separate pieces: face plate, crown, and ears. However, many of the joints overlap and seamlessly blend into the other piece, so what I did was remove those overlapping pieces and arranged the tabs so they glue across to the separated pieces. So now, you will be able to have the whole thing built as 1 continuous piece rather than trying to join 3 of them.
I did not alter the original geometry in any way, so the 3d model preview will not reveal anything different. The folds are also color-coded, so black dashes are mountain folds and green dashes are valley folds. Gray dashes (tabs) are glued flat, so you don't need to fold these at all.
This helmet is scaled for my head (27.4 cm) so if you want the original scaling, scale it down to 26.5 cm. The parts are arranged so that you shouldn't have to go hunting for any pieces. Because you'll be gluing some parts that didn't originally join together, you'll be gluing some tab numbers that don't match. Don't worry about it. If it looks like it should be joined, go ahead and glue them. It gets kinda tricky when you get to the back near the base of the skull, so you'll have to do a little extra thinking than a normal pep build.
Like all my other unfolds, the file is in the first post. Happy pepping!