NewBrody joins marine gang


Member DIN
Hello Friends!

New year means new cosplay! Starting this project off earlier than I did last time because I have an earlier goal than I did before. Usually I make my goal Montreal Comicon because that is usually the first con of the year that we have a booth around here. But this year I am going to try and make my goal to make this thing ready for Toronto Comicon in March. Might be a tight timeline but I think I can get it done.

The what and why:

So for some reason I decided to demote myself with each new costume. I started with a spartan, moved down the ladder to an ODST and am now going one more step down to a marine (maybe my next cosplay will just be a civilian). As much as I love my spartan and Romeo, I want a bit of a helmet break. I also want a costume that I can more easily travel with, I plan to go to a couple cons this year that are further away and hope to take the train and want a costume that can fit in a smaller bin.

The plan:

While the armour is going to be the usual Halo 3 marine style I am going to switch between helmet and the UNSC hat that used to come in loot box awhile back. Going to use the hat when I am traveling by train or anything like that so I don't have to carry around the helmet in my seat risking damaging it. Also hoping to add a couple pouches here and there to (for the first time in one of my costumes) carry my phone and wallet around with me.

*these pictures will mostly be what I'll be basing my costume off of*

The props:

If I don't want to I won't need to make any props for this costume. I already have a halo 3 BR I made back in August as well I also have the sniper from Romeo I can use as well (although I don't see myself carrying it all that much, it'll mostly be a "stays at the booth" kinda prop). At most I think I will make a socom magnum that I can double up with this cosplay and Romeo.

The methods:

For this build all the armour pieces are going to be 3D printed. I was considering going with a hybrid build like I usually do but the marine is not nearly as heavily armoured as a spartan or ODST so mobility isn't really a concern.
There will also a bunch of soft parts. Will most likely be buying some airsoft tactical gear with the right camo and then get some other tactical bits to attach different armour pieces to.

Thank you for reading whatever nonsense I put on this website. Here's to hoping I can finish this when I plan too. If not I can definitely get this done for Montreal Comicon.

See y'all out there,



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Hello Friends!

New year means new cosplay! Starting this project off earlier than I did last time because I have an earlier goal than I did before. Usually I make my goal Montreal Comicon because that is usually the first con of the year that we have a booth around here. But this year I am going to try and make my goal to make this thing ready for Toronto Comicon in March. Might be a tight timeline but I think I can get it done.

The what and why:

So for some reason I decided to demote myself with each new costume. I started with a spartan, moved down the ladder to an ODST and am now going one more step down to a marine (maybe my next cosplay will just be a civilian). As much as I love my spartan and Romeo, I want a bit of a helmet break. I also want a costume that I can more easily travel with, I plan to go to a couple cons this year that are further away and hope to take the train and want a costume that can fit in a smaller bin.

The plan:

While the armour is going to be the usual Halo 3 marine style I am going to switch between helmet and the UNSC hat that used to come in loot box awhile back. Going to use the hat when I am traveling by train or anything like that so I don't have to carry around the helmet in my seat risking damaging it. Also hoping to add a couple pouches here and there to (for the first time in one of my costumes) carry my phone and wallet around with me.
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*these pictures will mostly be what I'll be basing my costume off of*

The props:

If I don't want to I won't need to make any props for this costume. I already have a halo 3 BR I made back in August as well I also have the sniper from Romeo I can use as well (although I don't see myself carrying it all that much, it'll mostly be a "stays at the booth" kinda prop). At most I think I will make a socom magnum that I can double up with this cosplay and Romeo.
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The methods:

For this build all the armour pieces are going to be 3D printed. I was considering going with a hybrid build like I usually do but the marine is not nearly as heavily armoured as a spartan or ODST so mobility isn't really a concern.
There will also a bunch of soft parts. Will most likely be buying some airsoft tactical gear with the right camo and then get some other tactical bits to attach different armour pieces to.

Thank you for reading whatever nonsense I put on this website. Here's to hoping I can finish this when I plan too. If not I can definitely get this done for Montreal Comicon.

See y'all out there,

I definitely feel wanting a costume that's easier to travel with. That's a big part of why I'm making a rakshasa. Marine is probably a lot easier to travel with but both are easier than the standard spartan. You can only drive so far with your armor.
Hello Friends!

Okay so this project isn't dead, I promise. Had to take a bit of a break from making new costumes as the usual thing called life got in the way. But this project is back off to the races with the deadline of just one more month to finish this cosplay for TORG. For the last month or so I have been printing the pieces for this cosplay and I am almost finished and will hopefully be finished printing the pieces by the end of this week and be left with 3 weeks to post process. I'm hoping that timeline will work to get it all done.
I had a small setback when my 3D printers decided to explode but thankfully that didn't stop me for very long (just made me swear at my 3D printers a bunch)


I have also changed my plans for some of the cosplay. I had originally said that I wasn't going to do another hybrid foam and 3D print suit. Well I am sorry to say that it looks like I made myself a liar. I am going to foam the torso. If I am going to finish this in time for TORG I will need to do the chest piece in foam for now, I also just like the added flexibility of foam. The rest of the plan remains the same though, airsoft gear for the soft parts and 3D printed for the rest of the armour.

This is not all the pieces I have printed but here is some progress pictures of how it is going so far. I have all the other pieces done so far I just have the thigh pieces to go!

Stay tuned for some updates as I continue my journey of joining marine gang!
Thanks for reading my nonsense,

Hello Friends!

Okay so this project isn't dead, I promise. Had to take a bit of a break from making new costumes as the usual thing called life got in the way. But this project is back off to the races with the deadline of just one more month to finish this cosplay for TORG. For the last month or so I have been printing the pieces for this cosplay and I am almost finished and will hopefully be finished printing the pieces by the end of this week and be left with 3 weeks to post process. I'm hoping that timeline will work to get it all done.
I had a small setback when my 3D printers decided to explode but thankfully that didn't stop me for very long (just made me swear at my 3D printers a bunch)

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I have also changed my plans for some of the cosplay. I had originally said that I wasn't going to do another hybrid foam and 3D print suit. Well I am sorry to say that it looks like I made myself a liar. I am going to foam the torso. If I am going to finish this in time for TORG I will need to do the chest piece in foam for now, I also just like the added flexibility of foam. The rest of the plan remains the same though, airsoft gear for the soft parts and 3D printed for the rest of the armour.
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This is not all the pieces I have printed but here is some progress pictures of how it is going so far. I have all the other pieces done so far I just have the thigh pieces to go!

Stay tuned for some updates as I continue my journey of joining marine gang!
Thanks for reading my nonsense,

4 weeks until the con! I wish you the very best of luck man, I'll be curious to see how the armour comes out with 3 weeks for processing.
4 weeks until the con! I wish you the very best of luck man, I'll be curious to see how the armour comes out with 3 weeks for processing.
We're going to give it a try. I am not going to super stress though, if I can't finish it in time I will just bring Romeo instead.
Hello Friends!

Another small update. I've gotten most of the 3D printed pieces sanded up to 400 grit (I forgot to grab pictures of it but I promise I did it lol), I just have to do some touch ups with bondo in a couple spots and then sand those spots to 400 again. Once I've got all that done I'll be laying down some filler primer and then one more wet sand at like 400 or 600 before doing a second filler primer coat. I'm hoping to be laying down some paint this weekend, that should give me roughly a week and a half to do details and strapping. I might even have enough time to sand and paint the socom magnum I printed, not going to start that unless I finish the costume first. I added a little flashlight in it too for funzies.

The main construction for the foam chest and thigh pieces is done, I just need to add a couple more details and then sand and fill a couple seams, I am hoping I can finish this up and get some leak seal and paint on it over the weekend along with the 3D printed pieces. I made a couple mistakes when making the chest plate, and if I had started over I wouldn't have been able to make it in time. But I was able to save it by making it looks like some battle damage, so crisis averted.

I ordered the camo BDU and other bits and bobs I'll need for the soft parts of the costume. I already received the bits and bobs and the camo is set to be delivered today. So things are looking like I'll be able to pull this off, whole new costume in just under 2 months is a new record for me. Thankfully the Halo 3 Marine is quite simple. I can tell right now there are a few things that I will need to change or fix. mostly being in the calves, I accidentally printed two of the same side. Now the main bit is symetrical it is just the design on the front face that is now wrong, so when I get back from TORG I will need to print the other one. I might just reprint both as I had some printing defects that I am having a difficult time sanding out. Similarily I had some similar defects and layer shifts that I am having a hard time sanding out and may need to reprint those as well. The pieces that I printed will do for now but will need to be reprinted.

I will have another update hopefully before October 31st when I leave for TORG. If you don't see an update before then, chances are I wasn't able to finish in time (or just forgot to update). Anyway, thanks for reading my nonsense.



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Hello Friends

Making this update to let everyone know that I am on track to get this done before TORG. The painting process is done and I have moved onto strapping/padding. Probably won't make another update until after the convention but going to make this update as a quick one of how some of the paint turned out.


I have been crunching real hard to get this done in time. I am a little sleep deprived but haven't lost my mind yet :lol:

Anyway thanks for reading my nonsense, see y'all on the other side

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Hello Friends!

Well it looks like I was able to do it, and 3 days ahead of schedule. I did a try on last night after everything held great and I was able to walk and jump around without issue. The costume ended up turning out so good and is so gosh darn comfortable, I could stay in this thing for days no problem. I also took the time and used my cricut again to add my actual blood type on the shoulder (according to my mother, not sure how accurate it is. I would still not suggest an EMT use that as a reference).

The strapping wasn't too hard thankfully, a lot of the straps in the game turned out to be somewhat functional to how I rigged it in real life. made my life quite easy. For the shoulders, the combat shirt I bought came with velcro in the perfect spot to use to keep the shoulder piece on. So thankfully I didn't have to add any velcro there. This is probably my best scaled and fitting costume to date, I don't have any pieces that I was to remake because they are either too big or too small, everything kinda fits where I want it to. The only bit I am not too happy with is the helmet rubs up against the neck a bit when I try to look up, but that is mostly just because I am once again not a video game character that can clip into himself. The ab piece also needs to be adjusted a bit but I already know how I am going to fix that with some velcro, the scaling of it and positioning worked out perfect though.


For now I am excited to have this cosplay "done". Come the winter I will be changing some pieces, fixes some pieces and then probably repainting it as this green is a bit too bright. But this will work for now and I think it looks pretty good.

Anyway, thanks for reading my nonsense. If you're at TORG I look forward to goofing around with y'all in this new kit.

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