OK ladies and gentlemen. I have recently found some motivation, but an injury to my right leg (a torn calf muscle) and my son breaking his right wrist a couple weeks later in football practice have put things on hold again temporarily. I figured that I would let everyone that wants to know that I am going to be starting up again when I'm on my feet and medical bills are compiled and paid.
However, in looking over the previously built portions I have some issues with them. Despite my scaling them to get them to fit me with the under suit that I was constructing, there isn't a lot of room left for other details, mobility and overall comfort I would want if I were going to be wearing this thing for extended periods of time at cons or around the neighborhood

. Just because what I scaled fits me doesn't mean that it is proportionate I guess is what I'm trying to say. With all the mix matches I've made with parts, things just aren't looking right to me. Because of my particular body type it makes scaling a lot more difficult and time consuming having to export and change stuff in other programs and then import it back to pep designer and unfolding everything again on my own. It's definitely been interesting to learn those different aspects of building things like this and my hat goes off to everyone that does it day in and day out. I have mucho respect for y'all and give you props. Even after scaling and building the parts they just aren't proportionate and despite my best efforts are really causing a problem with being able to move around.
So. . . . I'll be doing something that is extremely ambitious and time consuming. I've picked up some things and have done a lot of research since the beginning of my self-imposed exile. My aim is to make a 100% custom suit. There will be body casts, life cast, sculpting, mold making and casting of armor pieces involved. The mediums I've decided on using are inexpensive (but yes. . . . They are more expensive than doing a pep or foam mat work up), but I need to find someone within driving distance that carries the stuff so I do not have to pay out the wazoo for freight shipping for clays and stones in bulk. Since the project will continue, but will be a different process than pepakura and things of that nature, I'll start a new thread when the time comes for the project to begin. Building something like this in this manner has been a thing on my bucket list for a very long time and overall, I think it would yield a higher quality end product that is worth it in the end. My ideas are simple. Body cast and life cast taken from me. Use the body cast to sculpt the undersuit. Mold the undersuit and cast it in urethane (much like the Forward unto Dawn Masterchief's suit was) then put it back on the body cast so I can begin sculpting the armor pieces. Mold all the armor pieces individually and cast them in poly foam. I'm thinking that the majority of the molds to be taken will be out of polyester resin with gel coats or stone (Ultracal 30) to help with costs. I don't think that I could afford molding all of this stuff in silicone, even though it would be a much better way of doing it. I haven't decided on exactly what to cast the helmet out of yet, but it would most likely be poly foam or smooth cast. This would make everything custom fit and I could work out all the proportions and since it would be made specifically for me it would be very comfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Hot yes, but comfy. I would definitely need to wear a cooling shirt under it and restroom issues will need to be addressed, but I think I can make it work. Weight I figure will be another concern but I am normally wearing 25-30 pounds of equipment daily for work and on certain days I wear 60+ extra pounds. So I figure I can work through the weight issue with no problems.
I'm always open for ideas and encourage anyone to help so if anyone from newbie to elite status has any ideas, comments or suggestions PLEASE speak up and let me know guys and gals. If anyone is actually still paying attention to this thread or checking on it from time to time to see if I'm still alive I really appreciate that a lot and hopefully will not disappoint with the upcoming project(s).
Until Next Time. . . Keep Building and Make It FUN!!!!