Well thats a spiffy man cave if i ever saw one lol. Looking good man

Sorry to hear about the zipper, i hate those things some times lol
Cant wait to see some pics of the undersuit, from what i am reading, it souds great!
Thanks. And the zipper wasn't that much of a pain. I just had to find one. I did get one on it though and the only thing was I couldn't use my machine because of all the foam on the thing already. So, it was added to the category of things that have been hand sewn.
Nice workspace! I like the chair in front of the door, too... good insurance in case the family tries to interrupt your work!
Glad to see you're getting better and getting back to it, and I'm a little jealous of the air conditioned area too. We don't have the Texas heat here but I break a sweat walking six feet from the door to the workbench.
As far as the "game-accurate" Noble 6 you mentioned, he appears in the campaign however you have the armor configured for your character. Since all of Noble team has customized armor pieces, it's much easier to customize and still stay canon. Just a thought, in case you wanted to add anything else... because you need this to be more complicated than it already is, right? =D
Thanks for the kind words.
As far as that chair. My shed doors open out so it isn't much of a deterrent if someone wanted to come out and bother me.
The whole breaking a sweat thing is why I put in the AC.

It would be 100 outside and 120+ in the shed. I'm also trying to keep all my paints and things out there and it definitely helps with shelf life it they aren't baking at 120 degrees in there every day. The paints I got for this build are $40 a pint, so I need to try and make them last.
And the whole "game accurate" is just me being me. I appreciate the info on customization. I was really just wanting the Noble 6 you start the game with and not much more. Maybe a couple of UA attachments, but I really don't want it more complicated than it already is.

LOL!!!! Although I may be up for that in the future. I'm taking a bunch of in game shots to start looking at the details. The under suit project I've started is turning out to be a bit of a hassle, but I think it will be worth it in the end. Not to mention I have to do so much modification on the next few parts I'm using just to make them fit me, I'm not sure if it will even be ready for Halloween. If it's not, then oh well, because I want to make it the best that I can and not have a time line pressure on top of it. So, for now. . the K.I.S.S. method (Keep It Simple Stupid) is being applied.
Quick Update
I have the ab section sewn into place and it looks about right to me. Let me know if something needs attention. I've stared at it so long looking for things that are wrong I think I'm going cross-eyed.

I couldn't get the belt on the dummy without tearing it up and I'm in the process of separating that and getting it joined back together right now. At least it will be easier to get on and off and take potty breaks while wearing the suit if it's separated.

I've made the brackets, got magnets attached to them and I've cut out alignment posts to use. After this I'm headed to the shed to do the dirty work.
I was going to do the biceps next, but after looking at things I may do the thighs. I'm still up in the air about which. I guess I'll work that out and when I have something, I'll put up pics.
Thanks for all the kind words and continued support. After I get the cod modified, it's back to pepping parts. Hopefully work will continue at a steady rate now that I'm up and at 'em again. As always, let me know what you think. All feedback, criticism and comments are welcomed and encouraged. And of course. . .
Until Next Time. . . Keep Building and Make It FUN!!!!