Well-Known Member
Once agian, your kids must be the coolest in the neighborhood come halloween. I love watching these builds. Keep it up man.
Gotta love this, the color looks very nice.
Did you use a template for the foam torso piece for just freehand it?
I have been impressed with some of the foam armor that were done by some members. Instead of pepping the torsos, I decided to try my hands on foam. Here is what I've done on my day-off from work.
I first draw out the pattern after sizing it. I used Hugh's torso as a guide. I fold it in half to get symmetrical cut.
I continue to finish drawing the pattern.
Now I cut them into pieces so I can use them as templates.
Got the foam board out.
All pieces cut.
I'm using a hot solder gun to create several lines.
Here is the result.
Start gluing with hot glue gun.
Almost done. Here is the back view.
Here is my son trying it out.
May look a little big. Need to trim the top and then add in the shoulder pieces.
Let me know what you think.