Form - [fawrm] noun
1. external appearance of a clearly defined area, as distinguished from color or material; configuration: a triangular form.
2. the shape of a thing or person.
3. a body, esp. that of a human being.
4. a dummy having the same measurements as a human body, used for fitting or displaying clothing: a dressmaker's form.
5. something that gives or determines shape; a mold.
&c., &c.
FORUM - [fawr-uhm, fohr-uhm] noun, plural fo⋅rums, fo⋅ra /ˈfɔrə, ˈfoʊrə/
1. the marketplace or public square of an ancient Roman city, the center of judicial and business affairs and a place of assembly for the people.
2. a court or tribunal: the forum of public opinion.
3. an assembly, meeting place, television program, etc., for the discussion of questions of public interest.
4. the Forum, the forum in the ancient city of Rome.
Big difference....
Secondly, I read what I thought was all of her comments, then I realized The scroll bar was only halfway down the page :eek
Thirdly, it's probably a 12-year-old girl and her "boyfriend" is probably a crush who she sits next to a lot
Little kids are the only ones that I see post that much vulgarity on the innerwebz. Or we could follow the rule that states, "There are no 'girls' on the internet." We all know there are exceptions with evidence on the 405th, so we'll just stick with the 12-year-old theory :lol
By the way, I'm not a yank. I'm from Florida so therefor I am a hick
I got a strawberrry field, an orange grove, and a cow pasture all on my little segment of my road :cool
Ithica said:
These people have serious issues and should seek medical attention. I say this with all seriousness. Please do not feed their need to make up more lies and live a fantasy. The Mods and Admin are aware of the person they mention and nothing has shown to be true. We have also been part of these evil lies as well. Please ignore these people or they will not go away. They are spreading to the members now because the MOds and Admin stop paying attention to them. They are attenion hogs and have not been loved by mommny or daddy and will try to get attention from anywhere. 3 of us have now taken legal actiona dn another has saught legal advice about this situation. There is currently 3 invesigations going on in 3 different locations. I highly suggest ignoring them. If you can not then save what they send to you and file a police report in your area and please send me the police report number along with the police department and officer information. These people have go to the extreme and this is way out of hand. It would be much appreciated if threads like these would stop due to them getting what they want.
Good news.