i wish theyd either have some trade-in thing where you could pay $50 or so to exchange ur premium for an elite or at least lower the price 4 the 120GB HDD cuz im always running out of space on my 20gig
i dont see why they even made a 20gig at first with all the dlc and videos and whatnot. microsoft needs to make better decisions the first time around
u know M$ and their $. theyre the reason u have to pay for lots of the things on marketplace. epic wanted the GoW maps to be free, but microsoft wouldnt let them. same thing with lots of other developers, they wanted their picture packs and themes and whatnot to be free, but it was just another way for M$ to make more money
A lot of good came out of microsoft as well, there would not have been this website without bungie, who worked with microsoft to put halo onto the xbox.