Papercraft and armour making

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I started making the back armor (included in chest .pdo) with just plain computer paper. Even with computer paper this thing is really easy to do. Granted, it's flimsy as hell, but I can easily see why card stock is plenty hard enough to make this sturdy.

I'm totally bailing on what I was working on and doing this instead.

You the man Franz!
I dont suppose anyone has the ability to convert the .PDO files to something like maybe a .PDF file, or picture file like a .jpg?

Until I get home I wont be able to even view the files, and my new vista computer doesnt like my printer so I cannot even print these out. Im hoping the comuter will allow the files to be saved on disk as another file type once I install the program on my home computer.

The majority of my time is spent on board the ship where I cannot view .pdo files, and cannot install the program to view them. So Im kinda sucking there. :evil:

I realize this is a work in progress, but a some point it would be great if the images we have, could be converted into a more common format.

Each sheet can be exported to a .bmp file. I don't have enough image hosting space to host the 28 pages for just the chest thought. :-/
Yes, or you can print to an .mdi (microsoft document imaging) file. That saves everything.

Finished half of my Mk V helmet last night! Yeah! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Fraz, I was trying to make my own model. How did you seperate certain parts of the armor from the rest of the model to be by themselves?
Frizzlefry said:
Each sheet can be exported to a .bmp file. I don't have enough image hosting space to host the 28 pages for just the chest thought. :-/

HE HE I do, send em my way, I'll post them up.

Then we can place them all in a templates thread.

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OK, just back after a busy weekend. 14 emails in my inbox.

Thanks for the attention, Firstly, I can't give you instructions on using the apps. I taught myself how to use 'em so surely you guys can too. It's not that difficult. If you can't applyyourself to learning a simple app then I don't know whether you'll have the patience to meticulously assemble armour from 100+ sheets of A4 card.

Secondly, Guys. PLEASE read the thread up to date.
.pdo files are opened with pepakura. A papercraft application which is freely available online.

You can then either use the pdo files I have already posted online. If you make your own great, but Ive enough on my plate without holding your hand through every step of the process. If you ask nicely, I may consider it. If I have time, after all everybody wants me to put out the rest of the pdo files.

If you send me an illegible text string. Asking "How d0 U mak mast3r cheif arm0r?" I'll just ignore you. Especially since the information is in the thread. All you need to do is read it. Okay.? Cheers.

Frizzlefry, You need a 3d package like 3dstudio MAX to actually physically delete the facets not used in the armour pieces.

Oh and here's the complete list of files to date..

And finally something a little different.

Fullsize, above seems a little too big. At least to me. So here's smaller one.

If anyone makes the Monitor.. Post up some pics. I really want to see how that turns out..:)
Jedi Fraz, I believe you just made a new best friend whether you wanted to or not. ME! MWAHAHA!

No, seriously, thank you so much for your help with all of this. Guys, the software is REALLY easy to use you just need to try. Fraz has cut out the only part that I couldn't figure out in making each .pdo for us to use/manipulate. Let's not punish him with really stupid "how to" questions. (If I've done this myself, I apologize)
that monitor looks pretty sweet to do, thanx for the to get a new printer
very cool!

Thank you!!!

Now we need the right and left forearms, boots tops, hands, and some high res screenies. God Im gonna be busy this summer working on two costumes at once, my wifes gonna kill me!

BTW has anyone got 3d skills like 3dsmax ect? It would be cool to redo this with the halo 3 mastercheif costume, as it looks much more detailed!

So this prints out on A4 paper AKA legal sized?

Unfortunately, windows vista printer drivers arent up yet, so Im gonna try to reprint this from work if the viewer will work with the pepakura viewer.

You choose what paper you want it to print on. I went in and changed the paper settings from A4 to Letter, but then you have to re-arrange all of the pieces on the paper again so that it fits.
hey once the halo 3 beta comes out, if you save it onto a key drive it may be possible to extract Master Chief and then start making the MK IV armour through paper craft
The trick is how to extract the MK IV armor model.

Im working on decompiling the hi-res halo 3 trailer right now, grabing some screen shots out of it. it should be able to be used to make the MK IV armor using the current pepakura method. Just one the paper model is made, and glassed over, the rest of the details will have to be done by hand until someone takes the .3ds model and updates it using the screen shots. It would be one hell of a poly count increase, but it still should work.
Encryption Code: Red


From: CODENAME:BloodyShadow13

To: All UNSC Ships



/file extraction-reconstitution complete/

/start file/

extracting the mark IV model is going to be dificult because bungie hasnt made a mark IV model. they have only made a MK V model (halo 1) and a MK VI model(halo 2) in halo 3 we should get a suit of MK VII following the tradition of upgrading your armor each game.

also there is no real model of the halo 2 MC. because bungie is inefficient with code. otherwise h2 could have had h3's graphics. or a full poly count at least.
/end file/

/scramble-destruction process enabled/
also if you visit and download pepakura animation, if you give it one of the .pdo's that fraz has given us it will assemble and dissassemble in an animation form. hope this helps some of you in your construction.

btw fraz im building the monitor and once im done with it im going to coat it in epoxy for strength and then inject great stuff expansion foam into it then later possibly make it into a mold
OK, my bad I was going off the other post on what armor version it was.

I like the idea of the animation wizrd, that will aid in doing the origami thing. LOL
Papercrafting armor

Jedi Fraz ,
You dont know how much time in construction you just saved me. Im building three suits total , one for me and one each for my two kids . This just ROCKS. Thanks for your effort.

So, I'm currently working on my Pepakura helmet. This thing is about five times harder than the chest/back was. A lot of little pieces that need to go in tight spaces. I'm about halfway done with it right now.
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