I was looking at using first card stock,or sintra (sintra is 501st favorite, basically for sale sign matl), then once the mold is built, spray it on the inside with rubberized car undercoating.
Once that has cured, use spray foam to fill in the structure, and trim it out to make a single solid piece. and make the overall piece more durable in the long run. (HE, HE, I LOVE MY :heart: DREMEL :heart: !!!)
Then remove the paper elements, and lay resin, and fiberglass cloth on it (inside and out), to strengthen and unify the entire thing, and make a nice base for the detail work, and paint.
Last is smoothing out all the imperfections, adding the details, priming, and painting. (Im still looking for a compound curving gold face shield though)
Im also going to be using the inside of a multi-sport helmet as the insides for the helmet complete with its padding, and straps. even if its too thick it can be shaved down on the top and sides until it fits perfectly.
I was thinking about plumbing a cooling system in it to to make small CPU fans running off of a 9volt batt blow cool fresh air over the face shield too to prevent passing out, and fogging as Im gonna go with the neck seal as in the H3 preview screen shot.