Papercraft and armour making

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My helmet... (The first oversized one) took an entire weekend to cut out and assemble. Although it didn't have edge ID's :)

I did the Groin last night. The templates obviously aren't 100% as there's an extra facet i missed. not too much hassle juct cut it off the completed model.

The plan is to do a check build on each part then look at trying to apply the texture (or at leats bits of the texture) to the template parts in paperkura. Then once that's done, and all the template parts are correct. Then make one big printable file. The pdf is a good idea.

Judging by how long it's taking me. I reckon you could do a whole suit in just under a fortnight, (14 days) if all you were doing is cutting and assembling.

When you finish an armour section let me know how long it took you to make it, oh and post pictures.
The visor is what gives the helmet a lot of it's strength.. At least when made from card.:)

I'd be carefull how you assemble it to avoid twisting and / or tearing.
im going to use Fraz's way. thank you fraz. but im going to use foam core and glue it together using hot glue after i tape it so i know all the angles are right.
I was looking at using first card stock,or sintra (sintra is 501st favorite, basically for sale sign matl), then once the mold is built, spray it on the inside with rubberized car undercoating.

Once that has cured, use spray foam to fill in the structure, and trim it out to make a single solid piece. and make the overall piece more durable in the long run. (HE, HE, I LOVE MY :heart: DREMEL :heart: !!!)

Then remove the paper elements, and lay resin, and fiberglass cloth on it (inside and out), to strengthen and unify the entire thing, and make a nice base for the detail work, and paint.

Last is smoothing out all the imperfections, adding the details, priming, and painting. (Im still looking for a compound curving gold face shield though)

Im also going to be using the inside of a multi-sport helmet as the insides for the helmet complete with its padding, and straps. even if its too thick it can be shaved down on the top and sides until it fits perfectly.

I was thinking about plumbing a cooling system in it to to make small CPU fans running off of a 9volt batt blow cool fresh air over the face shield too to prevent passing out, and fogging as Im gonna go with the neck seal as in the H3 preview screen shot.

If we had access to the models used to generate the trailer I'd say yes. As far as I know the trailer is a pre-rendered video clip.
Then again if we had any good 3ds max or cad guy here, we could have them modify the current MC model into a halo 3 version using screen captures even off the trailer.

Does anyone have the BMP files for the armor bits from pepakura? Im at work and cannot access it. Darn govt puter!!!


If you have them and are willing to send please PM/email me.


hey you guys just wanted to up date you on how my armors coming, i did make the helmet, the chest and back plate, the groin, the left bicep and the thighs. while trying to make the armor fit nicely (read username) i scrapped the thighs, torso and helmet armor. i made another AMAZING helmet and with two days of working im almost done fiberglassing and then i have to detail it. i am waiting for a fraz up date on somemore pdo files but the only thing is my computer cant load any 3d software like 3ds max and i would do it on my dads but being born with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder) aka i cant pay that much attention =( i would pretty much implode im not urging you fraz ill wait and i hope your armor is going well.
If all goes well Im hoping to have a DL'able file in PDF format of the entire costume. But Ill have to see on that one.

Ill keep ya posted.
Frizzlefry said:
You can find pictures of my chest / back here:

Yeah, this would be a major pain with no edge ID's. And I'm going to cheat on the helmet a bit too, because I'm not going to be putting in the visor part since I have one on the way.
with the edge id, all you have to do is connect the numbers to their counterparts and tape it together
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