Can you build up uneven parts of helmet with bondo? The right top of my helmet is popped up more than the left. I was wondering if i can layre bondo on the lower side to make it even.
Well it wasn't sunny or hot abit cold when I did the first coat and it rained next day(today) and I brought it inside and the smell was well...gave me headaches. I ended up putting my helmet inside a large paper bag and sealed the top with an addition of fabric softener sheets @_@ smell still kickin you know its bad when people start complaining about the smell around the house lol
Hey guys, I'm pretty new to making armor in this style, but I just have a question about the fiberglass. I am making a 1:1 scale Hayabusa Helmet, just to get the hang of it, and I have finished my cardstock model and it looks awesome. My problem is getting the fiberglass to fit on the inside. There are "spikes" and I'm not sure if there is some specific method to filling those with the fiberglass. I figured I could just push it down with a pencil or something and try to drip some resin down the inside of the spike, but I'm not sure if that's the way to go about it.