Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

What app is best for downloading the Edward Buck Spartan File? Can’t seem to find one that works best with the site. Thanks
You need a PC to view and print our templates.

has anyone seen or attempted the halo 4 marine armor? Preferably in foam, but if not its aight. Seems there's not a lot of love for marines lol
Doesn't look like anyone has. All the game models are there and if no one steps up then you could learn how to unfold. Otherwise we do have the Halo 2, 3 and Reach marine in the armory.
Would anyone be willing to finish fixing this Blender file for me? I am trying to modify a destiny helmet STL to be used for 3d printing. I have removed most of the stuff, but am having trouble with the final clean as I am very new to blender. The model has a lot of intersecting faces that I just can't figure out how to fix without warping the model of causing something screwy to happen.

If anyone is willing to help, I can email the blender file.
Would anyone be willing to finish fixing this Blender file for me? I am trying to modify a destiny helmet STL to be used for 3d printing. I have removed most of the stuff, but am having trouble with the final clean as I am very new to blender. The model has a lot of intersecting faces that I just can't figure out how to fix without warping the model of causing something screwy to happen.

If anyone is willing to help, I can email the blender file.
i could try but doubt i would get far
also send the original stl or obj as well
i could try but doubt i would get far
also send the original stl or obj as well
Thanks so much!

Two files are in the folder, the .stl is the original model, the .blend is half the helmet, split into 5 pieces, my issue is the overlapping/inspecting faces that remain.

I don't know if its possible to save each piece as its own model, but I would like to do that.


    116.2 KB · Views: 431
Thanks so much!

Two files are in the folder, the .stl is the original model, the .blend is half the helmet, split into 5 pieces, my issue is the overlapping/inspecting faces that remain.

I don't know if its possible to save each piece as its own model, but I would like to do that.
yeah sorry i cant quite figure it out, every face is necessary for some tiny part but is larger than it needs to be
yeah sorry i cant quite figure it out, every face is necessary for some tiny part but is larger than it needs to be
That is the issue I am having. I would assume people who better know blender would know how to fix it, but I am at a lose. I felt pretty good about how much I did, but I am stumped on this. Thanks for trying though.
That is the issue I am having. I would assume people who better know blender would know how to fix it, but I am at a lose. I felt pretty good about how much I did, but I am stumped on this. Thanks for trying though.
somewhere in blender there is a way to divide faves into smaller parts, which is what you would use, I just cant find it.
Thanks so much!

Two files are in the folder, the .stl is the original model, the .blend is half the helmet, split into 5 pieces, my issue is the overlapping/inspecting faces that remain.

I don't know if its possible to save each piece as its own model, but I would like to do that.

So what you want to do is make it printable and split it up into sections?
This will be a little tedious at first. Give me a little bit, I'll look for an easy way first but if that fails, I'll have to go the longer way to try and make it work.
This will be a little tedious at first. Give me a little bit, I'll look for an easy way first but if that fails, I'll have to go the longer way to try and make it work.
Thank you so much!! just worry about the half. Ill duplicate and mirror it in 3D builder later. Also, if possible, could you explain what you did? I would like to know for future use.
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Sorry but this is the best I can do with the file at the moment and it took about 3 hours to get here. I could either give it a thin wall or a really thick wall. As for what I did,
1) I started with the .stl file you provided and put it in Edit Mode in blender,
2) deleted half the Model
3) deleted inside polygons that were extra in my opinion
4) ran it through an add on I use in Blender called "Mesh: 3D Print Toolbox" which checks all the potential print problems
5) selected all the intersect polygons
6) hit CTRL F
7) Hit Intersect: Knife
8) on the left side where you see the options for intersect, Under source, select "Self Intersect"
9) give the model a mirror to complete it
10) smooth out all the spots that need smoothing
11) send the model to - They will close up all the holes and fix a bunch of problems, but it is limited.
12) bring the model back in
13) add a "solidify" to the model to increase the internal wall thickness . In this case, that didn't work (resulted in thin wall with imperfections on the outside) so I made a copy of the model in Blender, scaled it down slightly smaller, reversed all the normals, joined the models together, bridged the gaps around the neck

I uploaded a zip with my blender file that has several models inside. One has the thick wall, one has no wall. I also included the thick wall in one piece in case you want to resize it. Also, I cut up the thick walled helmet for a print bed.

That model was tough to salvage for me. I'm still new at blender but boy, what a pain. Hope the wall thickness isn't a dealbreaker for you. Otherwise, you can use the model that has no wall thickness to get to the size you want.


    28.6 MB · Views: 279
again, thanks a lot. I did a little bit of "carving out" in 3D builder to make a little more room on the inside, but I think it will do. If it doesn't work printing, their is always the D1 version Crimmson made.
again, thanks a lot. I did a little bit of "carving out" in 3D builder to make a little more room on the inside, but I think it will do. If it doesn't work printing, their is always the D1 version Crimmson made.

Your carving notion reminded me of the smooth function on blender sculpt mode. I used it to smooth the internal mask. This one has a smaller wall than then last one I sent you. According to simplify3D, it shows that it is good to print.


    6.9 MB · Views: 387
Your carving notion reminded me of the smooth function on blender sculpt mode. I used it to smooth the internal mask. This one has a smaller wall than then last one I sent you. According to simplify3D, it shows that it is good to print.
Holy cow! That made a huge difference, it did what I basically did but like 10 times better! The bumps on the inside are completely gone! By any chance, could I get the blender file too? just in case I want to make any changes? My main concern is that bottom lip making issues with actually putting it on.

Holy cow! That made a huge difference, it did what I basically did but like 10 times better! The bumps on the inside are completely gone! By any chance, could I get the blender file too? just in case I want to make any changes? My main concern is that bottom lip making issues with actually putting it on.


    24.3 MB · Views: 275
Cool! Now I just need to figure out the best way of dealing with all the holes it has...

EDIT: I didn't realize the model had grown in poly count, gee wiz. To be honest, how big of an issue could the bottom lip be with getting the helmet on?
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Cool! Now I just need to figure out the best way of dealing with all the holes it has...

EDIT: I didn't realize the model had grown in poly count, gee wiz. To be honest, how big of an issue could the bottom lip be with getting the helmet on?

I would either cut off the bottom lip or have the back bottom half be removable with super magnets or even stretch fabric. I didn't know the helmet needed holes. I'll make some the size of LED's and see how they pan out. Should look pretty cool once installed.

Note, in blender, just add cylinders until you get it where you want, then use a mirror to even out both sides, Finally, use the boolean modifier to cut the holes.



    10 MB · Views: 334
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I really can't thank you enough. You have really helped make this possible. I have been panicking a little due to a math mid term for college and seeing that image really made me happy so thanks!

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