Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

How about a 3d printed friendly version of the halo wars spartan armor? There's a pepakura version in the archive and a 3d printable helmet floating around as well but no armor pieces that I've seen. It be cool to be able to print some of these!
hello, im new here, sorry for the sudden request but i happend across this file on pepakura and would love to build it. its the serpent guard helmet found on pepakura under the search term "stargate" named as "cobra". my question is if someone could fix? it so it can be made out of foam and does not require 73 pages of printing? thank you in advance and i hope my english was ok
Does anyone have anything for a full suit of helioskrill armor? I'd love it to be my next suit that I make, but the armory only has 2 pieces for it.

It would be greatly appreciated!
Hey guys I'm looking for a HiRes version of the scanner helmet with a disconnected outer visor for 3D printing I want to build it with an auto lens for welding
Does anyone have anything for a full suit of helioskrill armor? I'd love it to be my next suit that I make, but the armory only has 2 pieces for it.

It would be greatly appreciated!

I do. mkshane81 was so kind to help me out, he originally created it.
Thread here: Helioskrill Armor

Contact either him or me and you`ll get the files if you haven`t already. Be sure to post some pics, i am eager to do that set myself, if i could get off my lazy b*tt....:sleep: or manage to stay on topic. Eventually it`ll get updated in the Armory?!

To continue - a further request from me:


The Helmet the Cops in Deus Ex: Mankid Divided are equipped with - just in the Announcement trailer, not those sharp buckets with that pointy egde. (Adams Headbutt-takedowns are hurtful to see)
Have searched in a lot of spaces, other forums - to no avail. Would be glad if someone has a hint for me.
Pep file would be sufficient, an actual 3d model a dream ( am not experienced in modeling helmets, would rather commission).
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And something Halo related, i am looking for further additions/ props i could do for the FFA. You will profit from it too:)
Pep files would be nice as a base for modeling in 3d, so.......
I aim at H2 Anniversary stuff because it has so much detail and i would much rather spend time on doing these details (which are mainly textures and shaders in cutscenes though), as opposed to starting from zero...
I asked for the Hierarch Crowns ( hit refresh, still need those) but right now i think about doing the Honor Guards equipment - the Staff for example:
You can barely get close-ups in the cutscenes, what a shame:eek:
Had to search a while before screengrabbing it. The Elites look so cool, Animators made an awesome job:love:

It seems fairly simply, but i have to firgure out the tip...
The start is easy:
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hey guys, does anyone have any halo 2 anniversary chief armour, i'm probably going to 3D print it.

Hi Ponti,

This thread is more for models to work with Pepakura Designer. They are not high poly enough to print. Try requesting in the

stuck on finding an odst chestplate right now, anyone developing one right now?
Sup Rinzlerr! There are quote a few ODST chest floating around. What game are you looking for and have you checked the Armory files?
Yeah I've been looking around, been scanning the armory files. Noticed the foam has huge differences to the stls Halo 3: ODST - UNSC ODST
I'm not sure how to go about this since I'm terrible with 3d modeling software lol

Ah, so you are looking for an STL file? This thread is for PDO and OBJ files. Due to the amount of work it takes to convert a game asset into a 3d printable file most people charge for the final model. There are very generous individuals who have offered them to members for free. You will find them gathered in the index I linked to above.
hi, I'm new, but also

I asked for the Hierarch Crowns ( hit refresh, still need those) but right now I think about doing the Honor Guards equipment - the Staff for example:

Seconded, mainly Truth's.

But really what I'm after the back shells things they wear around. There are two main variants I can find the ones from H2/H2A and the H3 ones. I'm primarily after the ones from H2. But I'm not too fussy, and sorry if this post comes off as overly demanding I just read it over and I understand why it would come off that way.


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I've been liking for a 3d model of the Achilles helmet but cant find one anywhere, if anyone has special ways of getting one could touch message me please
Right, ladies and gents. Since the old thread was beginning to outgrow its boots a little, we've decided to prune things out a little and start afresh with a thread I can more easily keep an eye on.

Before we begin, I'd like to lay down a few simple guidelines, which will help keep this thread a little less cluttered, and hopefully also allow requests to be processed in a more timely fashion:

Please check the FILE ARCHIVE before making a request. A good majority of the materials requested in these types of threads and others around the forum can already be found in our Archives, so please be sure to use the Search function and make sure you're not requesting a file that's already hosted. Nobody likes having to field constant requests for files we already have.

If you do need help with finding a file, or if you need something modelling from scratch, please provide as much information as you can. Reference images are a huge bonus for custom model requests, and for raw files that you might need unfolding, please consider having a go yourself before requesting.

Finally: this thread is not for people who wish to discuss asset extraction techniques. If you require a model pulling from a game, please treat the request as if it's a custom modelling project.

Above all: be polite and courteous to requests if you're responding, The necro-posting rule doesn't apply to this thread, so feel free to post your request even if the thread's a little inactive - somebody may get back to you.

I've added some essential links inside these spoiler tags for those who might find them useful.

EDIT: Revised the thread title to include generic model requests, given how many we're getting.
These links done even work anymore... could you give a new set of links?
Omega Gaming Dude, the comment you replied to is roughly 3 years old, the Member no longer active on the forum...

Even if the necro-post rule doesn't apply - the old archives behind the links aren't anymore. Many files may have been transfered to the new version. Just tell us if you need something specific.
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