Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Re: Pepakura Requests: Second Edition

I just noticed your Facebook request for the files - I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: file's attached below. I'll upload it to the Archive as well.
Thanks for adding this hear. It'll help modify the one I have.
Anyone know of there being a Halo Reach Military Police helmet you could 3D print? Trying to see what my options are so I can craft my best friend something for his birthday. I think making his favorite helmet from Halo would make him happy.
Anyone know where I could find a CQC helmet file to print. obj or stl
The ultimate goal is this:

CQC with UA/HUL attachment. (Though I don't really want the side module, I believe the HUL part)
I've been looking around and can't seem to find anything.
Any help would be great!
With the recent generosity of Yelsanick0117 of showering us with his incredible Elite he has worked on for months, I would like to make a modeling request for the armor of the Silent Shadow Elites showcased within Halo: HeadHunters and Halo: Rise of Atriox, respectively.

I am able to "hunt" for more reference imagery as needed or screenshot during the film of Headhunters if need to grab as much as I can.

Image result for halo headhunters elites
I was wondering if anyone could make a model of the halo 5 bayonet. I would love to attatch it to my 1:1 scale dmr, but if it will take a little while or you are busy I dont want to bother you. I could try to model it myself, but I still have almost no experiance in blender and have no idea what every key/button does, even though I've watched all the videos... MoeSizzlac what software do you use, and do you have any tips?
I was wondering if anyone could make a model of the halo 5 bayonet. I would love to attatch it to my 1:1 scale dmr, but if it will take a little while or you are busy I dont want to bother you. I could try to model it myself, but I still have almost no experiance in blender and have no idea what every key/button does, even though I've watched all the videos... MoeSizzlac what software do you use, and do you have any tips?
View attachment 277805

I use Blender. My tip for you is the same as Dark Souls. Get Gud.

Sorry, but I'm no expert at it even though it is my "go to" for designing. I sucked at it until I sucked at it a little less, and so on.

I started by watching videos. Then I did a "follow along design", noting everything that was done (I think I made a tie fighter then a coffee mug).

Then I started converting PDO files. After getting comfortable with that, I started converting game assets. If I want more detail, I add it myself so long as it is within reason.

Dash, You got any other pics of that(one from head on, top down, bottom up maybe)? Does it go over the muzzle of the DMR? If so, what's the diameter of the muzzle you have?
I use Blender. My tip for you is the same as Dark Souls. Get Gud.

Sorry, but I'm no expert at it even though it is my "go to" for designing. I sucked at it until I sucked at it a little less, and so on.

I started by watching videos. Then I did a "follow along design", noting everything that was done (I think I made a tie fighter then a coffee mug).

Then I started converting PDO files. After getting comfortable with that, I started converting game assets. If I want more detail, I add it myself so long as it is within reason.

Dash, You got any other pics of that(one from head on, top down, bottom up maybe)? Does it go over the muzzle of the DMR? If so, what's the diameter of the muzzle you have?
I'll get some ingame pics because that is all that's online, and it goes under the barrel in front of the stock. And shoot, I tried darksouls three and it took me over 45 min to beat the tutorial boss. Then I couldnt get much past that... haha, welp I'm screwed xD
I was wondering if anyone could make a model of the halo 5 bayonet. I would love to attatch it to my 1:1 scale dmr, but if it will take a little while or you are busy I dont want to bother you. I could try to model it myself, but I still have almost no experiance in blender and have no idea what every key/button does, even though I've watched all the videos... MoeSizzlac what software do you use, and do you have any tips?
View attachment 277805
If you have some other angles of this guy I can do up a model at some point in the next week.
Here are all the pictures I got for a reference. they all look pretty much the same, other than some slight differences between guns, but it looks like the DMR one goes under the actual barrel. For size like you asked Moe, I am using the halo 5 customizable DMR found on thingiverse, and i have not touched the scaling. I also threw in pictures of the knight blade just for the heck of it, but it isn't something four you guys to do.
If you have some other angles of this guy I can do up a model at some point in the next week.
It's a race then Turbo! Nah just kidding.

Anyway, Dash, Looks like they make 3 different versions of this bayonet. Let's ignore the one with an orange blade (Knight one). That leaves:

1) The under Muzzle mount:


2) the through muzzle mount.

I think the DMR get's the first version. Let me know if you want the first version or the second.
It's a race then Turbo! Nah just kidding.

Anyway, Dash, Looks like they make 3 different versions of this bayonet. Let's ignore the one with an orange blade (Knight one). That leaves:

1) The under Muzzle mount:

View attachment 277974

2) the through muzzle mount.
View attachment 277975

I think the DMR get's the first version. Let me know if you want the first version or the second.
Why race when we can each take a version on and have twice the goodies?!
Here are all the pictures I got for a reference. they all look pretty much the same, other than some slight differences between guns, but it looks like the DMR one goes under the actual barrel. For size like you asked Moe, I am using the halo 5 customizable DMR found on thingiverse, and i have not touched the scaling. I also threw in pictures of the knight blade just for the heck of it, but it isn't something four you guys to do.
Well I made one version modeled after all the pictures you gave me. Good news, It looks pretty nice (not perfect, but nice):


The Problem: It doesn't fit flush to your gun after modeling it from the pictures.

Use This 2.jpg

The question becomes, do you want me to make a filler piece or would you rather a modified bayonet for your gun (one with higher rails that allows a flush mount). Let me know.

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