Hello. I know this isnt halo related or anything, but I've been toying around with the idea of making "armor" for a MMPR costume. Kinda like the movie armor if any of you have seen it, but with a more segmented look to it.
Something similar to the look of the armor on this figure http://www.superherotimes.com/newsarchive/004297.php
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The character/armor I am looking to get is Talpa/Argo from Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers. It's a very old anime series that I fell in love with as a kid and it has been my dream to make an armor that is worthy of my affection for the series.
I need some converting done. I have files for multiple suits, but their in individual files. They're becoming an enormous pain to move and organize, so i was wondering if someone could take them and create one suit file like this:
(from the Halo reach pep thread) PM me and we'll work out the details!
Also Jade Sparrow, when you get those cadian files, copies for me would be greatly appreciated
No sorry I forgot to quote the original post it was the Tar-21 post but I've just finished so I'll take a look at your helmet now. Just for reference this is not the helmet in the movies its from the comics right?
No sorry I forgot to quote the original post it was the Tar-21 post but I've just finished so I'll take a look at your helmet now. Just for reference this is not the helmet in the movies its from the comics right?