Photo Day with Master Chief

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SPARTAN-430 said:
Adam = New Spartan 117

Adam = New God

Adam = pwnz all! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

A little obsessed?Id watch out for j/k.Nice armour though.
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link4044 said:
smilie120 said:
Adam im your number 1 fan! thats spectacular! its better than links and seans!!! (no offence) :shock: :shock: ;-) ;-) ;-)

thanx buddy

sorry Link....dont feel left out because Adam is better than you! jk your both on par.....and your both GODS!
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Damien said:
it would be funny if you made "armor" for the dog, like a chestpiece
XD im doing elite armor for mah chihuahua (these dogs are spawns of the devil lol)
really i am lol
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You Rock Adam!

Like Superman he's here to help.
I'm curious as to what you're using for your undersuit or the "hydrostatic gel layer."

I've seen various full body (up to and including head) spandex leotards modified with area texturing and buildups along with wet suits. Both have had good results, but both have also had poor results.
master chief. can stop the covenant armada and win the covenant-human war.
BUT cannot walk his dog. WOW.


that suit is Bow Chikka Bow Wow
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