^^This is how I feel right now^^ Holy crap bro, your work is flat out EPIC!!! I followed your work over on the rpf with the heavy artillery armor and I have to say man, I think you are outdoing your previous work.
About the minicell foam, I believe someone else asked a little earlier, what thickness are you using? I checked out that website you posted. The prices are pretty reasonable I think. Especially when you factor in that you don't have to buy body filler or resin. Also, (and I may have missed this earlier in the thread, distracted by the awesomeness) what type of glue are you using?
As far as knife placement goes, do you have room for your helmet to clear if you place it on the right top, beside the neck seal? In the pic you have for the top, it looks like it might interfere with that massive shoulder you are going to make. Just my opinion.
Keep those updates coming!![]()
I forgot all about the RPF. My experience on there was not pleasant. I had to go. People where driving me crazy with the whole MasterLe thing. From What I heard a year later people are still going on about him. I've been on A lot of different Prop making Web Sites. The RPF is the only one I had to get away from. Well enough about that.
The size to foam I use is 1/2 inch and 1/4 inch. The body of the armor is 1/2 inch. If you use PEP you really have to think of the sizing, since the materiel your using is 1/2 a inch think. But so far for me i have not ran into any problems. When in came to the XL3 torso I sized it to 470mm It came out perfect. ForgedReclaimer Biceps, I used standard size. It came out a little tight, but its work able. But I a big guy. Those sizes works for me. So what ever size torso work for you just go a head and do it. you wont have to worry about the thickness of the foam. For the biceps add at the most 1/2 inch to your measurement.
I use 1/4 inch for detailing and the smaller pep parts that 1/2 inch cant do. Along with standard size Foamies.
I just use regular hot glue sticks. I just drown the insides with hot glue. My hot glue gun uses the thicker longer hot glue sticks.
Your right about the placement of the knife. It might come in contact with the shoulder too much. I believe I do have space from the helmet to place the knife in that location. Thank you