Planet Comicon Kansas City Info and Roll Call: March 21-23, 2025 (Kansas City, MO)

TORG is now complete; it's time for the march to Planet. For those interested in or near the Longsword region we'll be preparing a build weekend or two between now and Planet to work on booth items. Be on the lookout for those to be announced.

Tickets are on sale now! Get yours and lock in for joining us!
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The Plaza that sits between the Convention Center and the Marriot/Crowne Plaza is currently under construction and is due to remain so until 2026. Walking to and from the hotels to the Center is still possible, but not as easy as it was before.

If you haven’t booked your room yet, I recommend booking at the Loews Hotel in Downtown, as it is connected directly to the Con via a skybridge, avoiding both any inclement weather or construction issues.

The Loews does have a special rate through Planet’s website, I highly encourage taking it for the best bang for your buck!

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