Planet Comicon Kansas City Info and Roll Call: March 8th 2024 -March 10th, 2024 (Kansas City, MO)

Are the booth opportunities filled up? will there be exhibitor passes for working said booth?
me and andrew still need a space if you are willing
excuse me sir, its Mr. Monker

But yeah...
I plan on driving/flying to Illinois on Wednesday or Thursday, staying with my father. While he does not have accommodations for sleeping, his home has about four main areas folks could set up air mattress/cots for sleeping. We can condense and utilize his van for mass transportation of crates/equipment and then transit from an hour south to Andrews or to the con. Unsure of my mode of transportation to his home as of yet.
Pretty sure you meant this for the C2E2 thread
I'm planning to fly in on Thu and bum on somebodys couch or in a dumpster. I'm sure I can find a cot to borrow that day or the hotel might have one. I won't have my armor crate to take up space so that's a plus.
You can also bum on my couch on Thurs. It'll be you and JTF4 but I'm capping it at that this year. One on the couch and I'll invest in a new air mattress or maybe a cot :unsure:

If y'all could coordinate your flights that would be helpful for picking you up but I plan on taking Thursday off work anyway so not the end of the world
You can also bum on my couch on Thurs. It'll be you and JTF4 but I'm capping it at that this year. One on the couch and I'll invest in a new air mattress or maybe a cot :unsure:

If y'all could coordinate your flights that would be helpful for picking you up but I plan on taking Thursday off work anyway so not the end of the world
Tbh that airbnb you booked me for Worlds was solid. I'd stay there again even Thursday evening if we need a cozy space for people to crash before the triage to the convention begins lol
You can also bum on my couch on Thurs. It'll be you and JTF4 but I'm capping it at that this year. One on the couch and I'll invest in a new air mattress or maybe a cot :unsure:

If y'all could coordinate your flights that would be helpful for picking you up but I plan on taking Thursday off work anyway so not the end of the world
Thank you. That would be perfect for getting around this con. I'll ask JT about his flight times and let you know. I would be happy to split the cost of the cot if you decide to get it. Seems fair since I will be using it a lot.
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