Planet Comicon Kansas City Info and Roll Call: March 8th 2024 -March 10th, 2024 (Kansas City, MO)

Here's the spreadsheet for booth shift sign ups
Planet Comicon 2024

There are separate sheets for each day as well as for what costumes you plan to wear and any props you're bringing to showcase.
Here's the spreadsheet for booth shift sign ups
Planet Comicon 2024

There are separate sheets for each day as well as for what costumes you plan to wear and any props you're bringing to showcase.
1) Are we establishing a minimum number of shifts in order to obtain wristbands this year?
The chill vibes last year were appreciated while I was all over the place. I intend to be available more this year.

2) We should attempt to establish a dedicated time to visiting Keith David with everyone. If we can, it would be nice to try and plan something before the weekend of.

3) Are we utilizing the dedicated changing room for storing armor totes again?

4) What night is the team dinner this year? Same place?
I encourage everyone to be present for the PCKC cosplay comp Saturday night, because it is .
I remember being able to make it to both last year, but I think there was some overlap.
Here's the spreadsheet for booth shift sign ups
Planet Comicon 2024

There are separate sheets for each day as well as for what costumes you plan to wear and any props you're bringing to showcase.
I am able to drive down from the Twin Cities on Thursday and stay until Monday. My dad lives about an hour from KC so I will just be crashing at his place. I can commit to Setup and teardown and anything else in-between to get a pass for the con. If I can make this one almost free then I can definitely put all the other funds toward C2E2. This would make me extremely happy and grateful!
NobleofDeath16 since our numbers have gotten pretty large do we want to look at catering food for Saturday instead of trying to go to Yard House? I can't remember how many we had for dinner there last year. I can call and ask if they have a max reservation size.
NobleofDeath16 since our numbers have gotten pretty large do we want to look at catering food for Saturday instead of trying to go to Yard House? I can't remember how many we had for dinner there last year. I can call and ask if they have a max reservation size.

Personally with the size I'd say catering is the best option dur to the group size. Last year my group of 4 was seated, ordered, and left before the large group ever even got your food. While yard house is good it's just gonna take forever due to the size.

Also NobleofDeath16 I trust you are bringing the "reasonably sized" flagpole with you? If we could use that for the organized roaming party I think that would draw some more attention.
Catering or potluck style sounds good to me. Seems like a good option unless we have numbers early enough to be able to get a reservation ahead of time for a large group at Yard House.
Also my handler from last year who helper with pictures will likely not be present but my other handler and I can can help get pictures of the group shots. Hopefully we dont have to get pushed into that spot with the bad lighting again ☠

I like to think I have a decent eye for photos so I'll spend a bulk of my time Saturday morning helping with photoshoots and such for everyone.
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I'll be bringing my camera with me and plan to wear only suits that'll let me take photos for individuals at least.
As far as being able to get everyone relatively seated together, I'd recommend Pizza Bar in Power & Light District. You order pizza by the slice at the counter and seat yourself. Then whoever wants to stay out for the big Planet party down there can and those who don't can go back to the hotels
As far as being able to get everyone relatively seated together, I'd recommend Pizza Bar in Power & Light District. You order pizza by the slice at the counter and seat yourself. Then whoever wants to stay out for the big Planet party down there can and those who don't can go back to the hotels
I am entirely open to either Pizza Bar or Potluck style. Dinner is Saturday as always. For those unaware, potluck-style is normally get whatever food you want and we all meet back at a central location. Most likely will be a hotel lobby from one of the hotels we all stay at.
1) Are we establishing a minimum number of shifts in order to obtain wristbands this year?
The chill vibes last year were appreciated while I was all over the place. I intend to be available more this year.

2) We should attempt to establish a dedicated time to visiting Keith David with everyone. If we can, it would be nice to try and plan something before the weekend of.

3) Are we utilizing the dedicated changing room for storing armor totes again?

4) What night is the team dinner this year? Same place?
I encourage everyone to be present for the PCKC cosplay comp Saturday night, because it is .
I remember being able to make it to both last year, but I think there was some overlap.
1) No Minimum is being established, just commit to one/two and I am happy. Only thing im not sure of at the moment are how many passes being provided.

2) Lets plan this for a early day visit. I also would like to get a "Midwest" themed gift bag together for him as we did for Jeff Steitzer of local Midwestern goodies.

3) Yes, as long as it is available I will encourage use of the changing room space for our crates. Secure your things as always

4) Saturday, we are probably going to do potluck style due to size to make sure we can all socialize and have a lil more control over our space we choose to set up in. I want it to be a space we can all interact and catch up for the start of 2024. I'd love for folks to be able to check out the PCKC Cosplay Contest, we just need to get it on our schedule and plan accordingly.
Also my handler from last year who helper with pictures will likely not be present but my other handler and I can can help get pictures of the group shots. Hopefully we dont have to get pushed into that spot with the bad lighting again ☠

I like to think I have a decent eye for photos so I'll spend a bulk of my time Saturday morning helping with photoshoots and such for everyone.
We still need to decide on a photoshoot space, I do not want us to shoot in the space prior since I personally think it ruined a lot of our photo opportunities. If we gotta set this up somewhere away from the convention center or see if we can steal a panel room so be it. Ill see if Jim can help us out.
Official communication channel for event has been established in the Discord for follow up to, and weekend of the event. Those confirmed as attendees have been tagged in the corresponding channel
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I put it on the discord, But i'll be there Fri and Sat as Cortana. I'm... not savvy enough to put myself on the schedule for the photo op table at 1 for Fri? But i can possibly/probably help at 3 as well. And prolly assist with cleanup?

With some lovely assistance, I've figured it out ^-^
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Here's the spreadsheet for booth shift sign ups
Planet Comicon 2024

There are separate sheets for each day as well as for what costumes you plan to wear and any props you're bringing to showcase.

Another reminder, as I already mentioned it in the discord, that we still have plenty of booth slots that need filling. Link to the google doc is in the message above.
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