Hello 405th, I'm looking at building a halo 3 plasma rifle with lights sounds the whole shabang and was wondering after fruitless hours pouring over the Internet if any of you guys and girls have made one that works or at least looks cool??
well looks like no ones got any ideas, ive had a few so far, buy a kids "space" gun with a similar sound and lights to the rifle scratch build my own and fit the "borrowed" internls from the toy. Much cheaper than paying the rediculous amount asked for on the net.
i think most people use the jasman toys one, that is now ridicilous in price on the internets.
there is a pep file for it on the 405th pep wiki i believe.
Thanks doc, I'm friends with Andrew on Facebook and YouTube, I'd consider foam but have no idea how it would stand up to having lights and such stuck to it.
Thanks doc, I'm friends with Andrew on Facebook and YouTube, I'd consider foam but have no idea how it would stand up to having lights and such stuck to it.
if you want to put in lights you cannot do that with just foam carvings,
but what you can do is: make on out of foam, thermoform plastic around it so you have a shell, put all your wishes and electronics in it, and paint
If you can carve one out of foam by itself, hit it with a coat of crystal clear sealer a couple of times (make sure it won't corrode the actual foam it contacts) and then get a silicone mold of that hardened piece. From there, silicone coat it, hard shell coat it, and pour a polyurethane cast of it. From there, cut/drill/fill/ and mount away!
All that work to make an original, might as well finish the effort off and make one (or a dozen) you know you can modify to your tastes that will hold up.